Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street

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"Did you find anything last night?" You asked in a hushed tone Dustin before you took a bite of your cereal. His eyes widened as he coughed into the milk he was drinking, causing it to go everywhere. "Ew! What the fuck, dude?! That was disgusting.."

"Your face is disgusting!" He bit back without second thought.

"Oh? My face isn't the one covered in spewed-out milk! But my cereal has your spit in it now. So thanks for that, asshole," You huffed, grabbing your bowl angrily to take it to the sink.

"Y/N!" Your mother hissed as she entered the room. Of course that's all she heard. "He is twelve year old! Watch-"

"Watch your language. I know!" You rolled your eyes. "I'm going to school."

"Without your brother?! I think not!" She called. You ignored her before walking towards the front door. "Hey! You haven't even finished your-"

The door slammed.

"-Breakfast.." She finished, looking over at Dustin.

"Teenagers, am I right?" He shook his head, making her laugh begrudgingly. She kissed the top of his head before going to fetch him another shirt.


"Hey, man! Watch where you're-" The all-too-familiar voice trailed off as soon as it's owner's eyes laid on you. Eddie Munson looked down at you and shot you one of his famous grins. "Oh, it's you!"

"It's me," You smiled as you both bent down to grab the rogue books and papers. Your hands both reached for the same book, pausing for a moment before you both pulled away. Once you gathered your things, you both stood back up and smiled.

"Sorry about that," He chuckled before shifting his weight and grabbing his left arm. "I haven't seen you around for a while."

"Yeah, Dustin's been a bit preoccupied with the whole Will thing so he hasn't asked me to watch any of your club's campaigns," You shrugged.

"Ah," He nodded once, puckering his lips slightly as if to say 'Of course. Why didn't that occur to me before?'. "So how is he?"

"Honestly? I have no clue," You shrugged. "He snuck out last night with his friends to go look for him in the woods. The bastard blackmailed me into covering for him. I let him borrow my pepper spray and gave him a few flashlights and pocket knives to.."

You trailed off, looking at Eddie's amused smile. You blushed when you realized you were rambling.

"I don't know why I'm telling you all of this," You laughed, looking down at your feet for a moment to collect your pride.

"Oh, I don't mind. I like hearing you ramble. It's cute," He smirked, making you laugh and roll your eyes. You noticed he had his backpack on and furrowed your brows.

"Where are you off to?"

"Outside," He said simply.

"No shit," You deadpanned. It was his turn to laugh.

"To my car, I mean," He spoke as if that cleared up any curiosity you might have, but you didn't miss the way his hand tightened around the strap of his bag.

"Ah. I hear it's nice there at this time of year," You nodded. He chuckled again, giving you a look of utter fascination. "Well, be careful. Wouldn't wanna be caught anything you aren't supposed to be doing."

"Me?" His jaw dropped as he pressed his hand to his chest. "You offend me. I would never!"

"Get caught or do something you aren't supposed to be doing?" You smiled. He shrugged.

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