Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly

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"Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?" Nancy interrupted your conversation with a small group on the hallway.

"Uh, yeah," You blinked, looking over at Robin. "Sure. I'll meet you in class, okay?"

She nodded, failing miserably to hide the curiosity on her face.

Nancy walked you over to the girls' bathroom. You followed, feeling Robin's eyes all but burn a hole in the back of your shirt. Nancy held the door open before turning toward you as soon as it shut.

"Did you tell anyone about what I told you last night?" She asked. Your lips part, feeling a little hurt that she thought so little of you. "Like if it was some sort of revenge then-"

"Do you really think I'd do that?" You furrowed your brows. She just stared for a moment, making you scoff. "No, Nancy. I didn't tell anyone, not even Robin. Especially not after the conversation we had last night."

She nodded and let out a breath she'd been holding since she walked into school that morning. Your concern trumped your annoyance.

"Why?" You asked carefully.

"People have been staring at me all morning," She shook her head, inhaling a shaky breath. "I'm sorry for even asking. I knew it couldn't be you. It's just.. Steve said that he didn't tell anyone. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. You haven't heard anyone talk about me, have you?"

"No clue. I just got here," You always showed up to school later than she did. She knew this. Maybe her distress clouded her mind. "Who else knows? And where's Barb?"

"I don't know," She shrugged, looking at you in the eyes. You could tell by the way they bounced between your own that she was anxious. "I have no idea how to go out there when I feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Okay, come on," You grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the bathroom. "I'm still a little offended at the fact that you think I'm a snitch but I'll put that aside to walk with you. You're sitting next to me next hour. We'll look for Barb afterwards."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she's avoiding me," She muttered.

"Me neither," You agreed, earning her unamused gaze. "What? You'd be doing the same if you were in her shoes."

"I hate that you're right."

"But you'd also forgive her for it. Don't beat yourself up for it. Was it a fucked up thing to do? Oh, abso-fucken-lutely. I'd be pissed too," You said before smiling. "But it's not unforgivable."

You instantly regretted saying that as you felt her tense up in your arm.

"You're mad at me because I'm saying you deserve better than a man whore?!" You shouted.

"Where is this even coming from?!" She shouted. "Is it jealousy? Are you mad at the fact that the school's most popular boy wants me?!"

"You think I want to run around with the same crowd that pushes kids into lockers and taunts them in the hallways? No, Nancy. Sorry, but that just doesn't seem worth the popularity," You shrugged. "That's not my crowd. And it's not yours either so-"

"Then why? Why are you the only person that can never be happy for me?!"

"I'm the only one who cares enough not to agree with your every move. I'm telling you this because I want to see you happy!" You ran your hands desperately through your hair. "He only wants to get in your pants, Nancy. I don't want to see you get your heart broken over some guy that doesn't deserve you!"

"Oh, because you know so much about this topic!" She looked straight into your eyes now. "You can't even get a guy to look your way!"

"Okay, maybe we should take a step back," Barb finally stepped in, seeing the way your face fell.

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