Chapter Four: The Body

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"Faceless..?" You whispered, leaning back in your seat as Nancy spoke softly into your ear from the desk behind you. You couldn't help but be a bit skeptical. Everything she told you about Barb's disappearance seemed more like the plot of the movies Robin made you watch than something that would happen in the small, safe town of Hawkins. "Maybe it was a mask-"

"It was not a mask," Nancy frowned, catching the eyes of a few students around you. She sighed before lowering her voice again. "You don't believe me either, do you?"

"No! It's not that I don't believe you," You shook your head. "It's just a hard concept to grasp, is all.. Wait- you said you told Steve? What did he have to say about all this?"

"He's more worried about his parents finding out about the party than about what happened to Barb," She huffed.

"Shocker.." You muttered under your breath. "I meant did he believe you when you told him about the monster?"

"Wh- I never said it was a monster."

"A faceless thing that might've been the cause of two deaths? I think that qualifies as a monster, Nance," You said matter of factly.

"Oh my god," She rolled her eyes. "No, I don't think he did. He tried to but.. He probably thinks I'm crazy."

"Yeah, well, that makes two of us," You smirked, earning a soft punch to the shoulder. "I'm kidding!"

Sort of.

"Nancy Wheeler?" The school secretary called from the doorway, making you both jump away from one another. Everyone's eyes suddenly shifted to your friend who wore a deer-in-headlights look. "Come with me please."

She shot you a glance and mouthed Cops. She hesitantly grabbed her bag and following behind the woman. Once class was dismissed, you made a bee line towards her locker. You were only met with the sight of Nancy gathering her things before she walked out of the school with her mother. Must've been some talk if her mom checked her before lunch.

You made your way back to your locker, mindlessly unlocking and opening it before you realized there was something out of the ordinary in there. You reached out and grab a piece of paper that read:

Meet me at my house after school. I need your help.


"Help?" Robin asked as she peered over your shoulder. You quickly turned around and pressed the note to your chest. "Why does Nancy need your help?"

"Uh, you know, just- um," You stopped yourself and took a deep breath. ".. Homework?"

"You're a horrible liar."

"Yeah, it was worth a shot," You sighed, making her chuckle. "I don't think I'm supposed to tell anyone. Trust me, if I could, you'd be the first know."

"Mm," She hummed with disapproval.

"Mm?" You echoed. "What do you mean mm?"

"You sure are spending a lot of time with Nancy," She mumbled, catching the odd look you gave her. "Hey, I'm not trying to get on your case or anything, I just.. I don't know, dude. Just watch your back. She might be an old friend but that doesn't make her a good one."

You nodded, not quite sure how to respond to that as you folded up the piece of paper and shoved it in your bag. You couldn't help but wonder if what she was saying would still apply if she knew the whole story. She wasn't wrong, but maybe she was missing too many details to be right.

"Anyways," She looped her arm around yours before walking towards the cafeteria. "You'll never guess what happened in band today!"

You loved that about Robin. She was never resentful; the most kindhearted person you'd ever met. Out of all of your friends, she was the only one that could bounce back from a heavy conversation as if nothing happened.

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