Chapter Eight: The Upside Down

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"-Is everything in the box?" You asked as you walked up to the kitchen table and dug through it, making a mental note of everything inside of it. "Bear trap, gun, bullets, Nancy's got the gasoline... Jonathan! We need a yo-yo, a lighter, a hammer, and some nails for these bats."

"On it."

"So how exactly are we planning on... luring it out?" Nancy looked up at you from the other side of the table. You pursed your lips, reaching in your bag and taking out the pocket knives you lent your brother when he went out looking for Will. "Oh... All of us?"

"No, just me," You deadpanned. "Yes, dumbass. All of us."

"Add sanitizing those knives to the list of things to do," Jonathan muttered from behind you.

You began by screwing in a multitude of bulbs into the dangling christmas lights throughout the house. Jonathan bolted the bear trap to the hallway floor, Nancy loaded the gun and poured gasoline on the carpet, you hammered some nails into a baseball bat and set up the yo-yo alarm before you all came together to finish setting up the bear trap.


"Straight into Will's room and-"

"Don't step on the trap."

"Wait for the yo-yo to move-"

"Then.." Jonathan struck the lighter. You all let out a shaky breath. "Okay, you ready?"

"Ready," Nancy said. You looked down to see them holding the knifes up to their palms.

"You idiots are going to cut your palms?" You scoffed, gaining their gaze. "That's like the stupidest and most painful place to cut. You're going to need your hands. Cut into your non-dominant upper arms where you normally get vaccines. Jesus, must I walk you through everything?"

They rolled their eyes and moved the knives to their upper arms. You all counted to three and sliced, hissing in pain before quickly moving to the couch. You all sterilized your wounds with alcohol, wincing again as the dripping cotton swab was wiped repeatedly over the cuts. Then you cut off pieces of gauze, giving it to everyone so they could wrap their lacerations securely.

Just as you finished up, there was a faint creaking on the porch. You all looked up.

"Did you hear that?" Nancy whispered. You reached for a bat, wrapping your hand securely around it.

"It's just the wind," Jonathan breathed before looking at Nancy. "Don't worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes."

"Speak?" She asked.

"Like, think of them as alarms," He said. She looked up before she continued to wrap his arm.

"Is this too tight?" She asked with a certain look in your eyes that told you that now was a good time to go get a glass of water.

You stood up and began walking to the kitchen when a loud and repetitive banging on the door almost made you fall to the ground from fear.

"Jonathan!" Steve's voice called. You turned to look at the couple on the couch with confusion. "Are you there, man? It's-It's Steve! Listen, I just want to talk!"

You whipped the door open to see a bloodied Steve standing on the porch.

"What are you doing here?!" You hissed.

"He-Y/N? I could as you the same-"

"You need to leave, Steve!" You urged.

"I'm not trying to start anything, okay?"

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