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Matthew was adopted.

The only family he has is his father, Thomas O'Neill.

Thomas didn't plan to adopt Matthew. He worked and still works for the ministry, so when a child was found in diagon alley back in nineteen-seventy-eight, it was brought to the ministry.

They couldn't locate his parents, and Thomas who worked there, ended up adopting that little boy, naming him Matthew.

That is how Matthew ended up having a lot of adoption jokes being thrown at him.

Only from our friend group though. If anyone else were to make a joke, we wouldn't take it so lightly.

"Did you hear that Potter got caught doing magic outside of school this summer?" Matthew asked. "He had a trial and everything."

"No way!" Abby grinned. "What did he do?"

"Well apparently he got rid of dementors that attacked him and his cousin." Matthew shrugged.

"Dementors? But they don't attack without reason." Michelle said.

"This time they did. There was a witness and everything. Potter was proven innocent because he defended himself." He said. "Oh, and did you hear that his two friends made prefects?"

"Granger and Ron Weasley?" Abby asked. "Ron Weasley made prefect? Are you sure you heard correctly?"

"Well, I saw him and Granger make their way down to the prefect compartment." Matthew said, shrugging. "So I'm guessing I heard correctly."

"Hmm." Abby muttered, shrugging. "Maybe he's smarter than we thought."

Louis wasn't in the compartment with us. He was in the prefect compartment, but our friends still thought he was taking a shit.

"Wait, who're the new prefects in Ravenclaw?" Jason asked, hooking an arm over Abby's thighs to pull her closer to his body.

"Patil and Goldstein." I said, leaning back against the wall, pulling my feet onto the seat. "And for Hufflepuff it's Abbott and Macmillan."

"And Slytherin?" Michelle asked.

"Wait... let me guess." Jason grinned. "Parkinson and Malfoy?"

I nodded.

"Bet they're gonna misuse their title." Abby said as she rolled her eyes. "What about head boy and girl? Please tell me someone from our house made it this year."

"No idea." I said, shrugging, but I did.

Louis was head boy.

"And where the hell is my brother?" Abby groaned.

"He's probably found someone to hook up with." Jason said, snorting.

"That wouldn't surprise me." Matthew muttered.

He had gone back to writing in his notebook. He writes song, and he has done that for years. He plays guitar as well, and he can sing but he's got stage fright and he can't even sing in front of us without mentally preparing for it for weeks.

But he's good.

He's really good.

The train pulled into Hogsmeade station when it had grown dark outside.

Louis had showed up about an hour after he first excused himself. An hour after I followed him to the toilet. An hour after we fucked.

After we left the toilet, he went straight to the prefects compartment. He had to make an appearance as the new head boy of Hogwarts.

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