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The leaves crunched beneath our feet as we walked.

The clouds were getting dark, and it was probably going to rain, but George and I didn't make a move to turn around and go back to the castle.

I looked back towards the covered bridge that we had crossed, and then I glanced at George before I looked ahead.

"I wished I had more siblings." I said, pushing my hands into the pockets of my coat.

"How many do you have?"

"Three." I sighed. "All sisters, but I've always wanted a brother."

"And three siblings isn't enough?" He grinned, looking at me. "Sometimes I wish I had less."

I looked up at him.

"I'll gladly take some of them." I smiled. "I've always wanted the chaos of a large sibling group."

"Oh, you can have them." He joked. "All six of them."

I grinned as I pushed myself up to sit on the wooden fence. I placed my hands at my sides, watching George lean next to me against the fence.

"What's it like having your sister as a teacher?" He asked, picking at a loose piece of paint on the fence.

I shrugged.

"Weird. She's strict and I know a lot of students don't like her because of that, but... she's my sister and I feel protective of her, so... I get pissed off." I said. "Sometimes I wished she would work somewhere else just so I wouldn't have to get angry when people talked about her."

"Are you close with your sister?"

I furrowed my brows at that question, staring at the ground.

"She used to be my favourite person in the entire world." I said, pulling my lips to one side. "Then she left."

It was quiet for a while. I lifted my eyes and stared towards Hagrid's hut while I could feel George's eyes on my face.

My tears had completely dried from fighting with Abby, but my face probably looked swollen and red.

My lips always grew double size when I cried. It looked like someone tried to vacuum them off.

I swung my legs back and forth, my heels tapping against the fence.

Then when the first drop of rain hit, I tilted my head back and looked up at the clouds that only grew darker and darker by the minute.

"Do you want to talk about what happened with your friends?" George asked, and I flicked my eyes down to where he stood.

I shook my head and bit down on my lip while looking away, too embarrassed by how emotional I was in that corridor.

I ranted to him about everyone wanting to leave me.

God I'm pathetic.

"Alright." George nodded. "Tell me something else then. Tell me about a happy memory from your childhood."

I let out a small chuckle, trying to think of something, but most memories weren't really good.

"Well... there was the time where my cousins and I played hide and seek at my grandmother's house."

"Yeah?" He smiled. "Are you and your cousins close?"

"Not anymore." I breathed. "But I looked up to them when I was a child, and sure, sometimes I long for them to notice me still, but we don't really know each other anymore."

"That sucks."

I nodded.

"It really does." I said as I looked at him again. "I bet you have loads of fun childhood memories. Pranks you and Fred did."

A laugh slipped from George's mouth and he pushed himself away from the fence, kicking at the ground.

"We turned Ron's teddy bear into a spider." He said with a small grin that also held some regret. "It traumatised him. I feel bad, but it was fun back then. We were only five."

I bit down on my lip to contain my smile, but George noticed, and I could see the excitement of getting me to smile like that.

"We once tried to make Ron make the unbreakable vow." He admitted. "Dad caught us and got so angry with Fred and I. It was hilarious."

I laughed.

"Poor Ron. Bring terrorised by his older brothers like that."

George laughed with me, turning to face me. There was something in the way he looked at me that made me blush slightly.

"One time, Debbie convinced me that what was pepper, was actually salt. I was five and she was sixteen and assured me that salt tasted good, was healthy and that I should eat some."

George's eyes widened.

"She made you eat pure pepper?"

I nodded, laughing.

"It was so horrible!"

The rain started to pick up, and I looked up at the sky again.

"C'mon. Let's find shelter." George said and held out his hand.

I slid down from the fence, grabbed his hand, and together we ran to the owlery, laughing at the thrill of running through the rain, trying not to get soaked.

Once in owlery, George shut the heavy door before turning to me. I was still laughing, feeling such a high in this moment.

I knew what it was, I knew I was feeling Euphoria, and maybe that was why I suddenly felt bold enough to step towards George and kiss him.

He kissed me back immediately, sliding an arm around my lower back. I felt his other hand rest against my jaw, and he pulled me close while letting his tongue slide past my lips.

His hand found its way to my hair, getting tangled up, and he gently backed me through the room until my back hit the wall.

I locked my arms around his neck and pulled him as close to me as I possibly could.

Then a thump came from the upper floor, and George pulled back, both of us out of breath.

We looked up, hearing hushed voices.

I looked at George and pressed a finger to my lips, then tiptoed up the stairs.

I tripped over the top step, but I caught myself. Though when I raised my head, I saw Jason and Abby, him on top of her, and her shirt gone.

I hurried back downstairs, my eyes wide as I looked at George.

"Want to go back to the castle?" I asked. "The owlery seems to be occupied."

A small smile spread on his face, and he grabbed my hand, guiding me to the door, but the second the door opened, we realised just how hard it was raining down.

George shut the door and turned towards me, still holding my hand.

"Guess we're stuck here until the rain dies down." He said before looking up. "Oh... Buckley and Crawford are here."

"Yup." I nodded. "This is going to be so awkward."

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips, a kiss so gentle that it made my stomach flutter.

"It's only awkward if you make it awkward."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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Euphoria ; George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now