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I dropped back into the sofa, pulling my knees up to my chest, and Jason sat down next to me.

My face was completely hot from my meltdown, and I was sure I was as red as a fucking tomato.

"Why have you never said anything?" Michelle asked softly, and I shrugged.

"Said what? That I'm dramatic or that I'm pathetic?"

"Hey..." Jason said, nudging me with his shoulder. "You're neither. Why do you think you're dramatic?"

I shrugged.

"C'mon. Why do you think you're dramatic?" He urged, and I let out a heavy sigh, running both hands over my face.

"Because... he was— he was just joking around." I said quietly, my voice weak. "He's this muggle teacher that I had in elementary school before we started Hogwarts, and my mum makes him tutor me every summer. He does it for free for some reason. He's always joking around and he was— I don't know."

"That isn't an excuse to sexually assault you." Jason said, and I winced. "That is what he did, Anna. Touching you like that was sexual assault."

I didn't answer, just chewed on my lip as I stared at my hands.

"And why do you think you're pathetic?" He then asked, causing me to let out a laugh as I shook my head.

"Because I am. I'm so fucking desperate for someone to want my body because if they want to fuck me, they love me; and I want to be loved like that. I want it so desperately that I— I hate that I'm scared of him, and I hate that he hit me, but you know what I hate even more? That I don't care. Not like that. So what if he hit me? It's worth it if I get the good parts as well."

I heard Abby scoff, and I looked at her as she stood up.

"You really are pathetic." She spat at me. "He raped me, Anna! And he hit you and you'd still fuck him?!"

"Are you not hearing a word she says?" Jason asked and stood up, trying to stay calm. "Don't judge her. She's opening up, being vulnerable with us. You just heard what she said, and you know she's had a shitty childhood! All of this, is a coping mechanism and you don't get to judge her on that!"

Abby looked taken back at the fact that her boyfriend stood up for me rather than her. She took a step towards him and looked up at his face.

"Seriously?" She asked quietly. "You're taking her side right now? You're actually..."

She let out a laugh of disbelief.

"I mean, of course you are. You know what, Jason? I'll save you the trouble. We're over. Now you can fuck her."

"Abby!" Jason shouted as she turned around and walked towards the door. "Abby c'mon. Don't walk away from me!"

He ran after her, and when the door to the Ravenclaw common room shut, the room fell silent.

Louis sighed and stood up, walking over to take Jason's seat.

"You know she's just upset." Matthew said, and I nodded.

"I know."

Abby had been struggling a lot since what happened to her at the end of last school year, and I knew that she only reacted like this because she was scared that Graham was going to hurt me in the same way.

Which was why I wasn't going back to him, no matter how much I craved the affection.

And then there was George.

George Weasley and I kissed.

I kissed him, he kissed me, we we made out in the courtyard.


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