🌌 Special Chapter 🌌

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Author's Note
In this chapter,they are all teenagers. Despite that,this chapter doesn't apply to the current story as a reminder.

As the sun shines brightly,you wake up feeling excited for today. Today,is your brother shinichiro's birthday. You,manjiro,emma,izana and grandpa decided to suprise him on his day by buying him his dream motorcycle. You all pitched in with the money you all have and did bought the motorcycle and all you have to do is set up the suprise.

You get changed into casual clothes in your room and zoomed out. You met manjiro,emma,and izana sitting in the dining table probably planning what's next. You sat next to emma and listened to their plan.

"Alright so grandpa is already stalling shin-kun by helping him with the groceries,what's next guys?" Emma explained.

"Cook him food?" Emma suggested.

"What if we throw him a party with all of his gang friends and then suprise him with the motorcycle?" Izana suggested.

"Bake him a cake?" You suggested.

"What about all of those combined except izana's?" manjiro suggested excluding izana's idea.

"You bastard. My idea is far greater than yours idiot!" Izana said to manjiro.

"Huh?!Were absolutely not doing your idea dimwit!That wakasa guy is too annoying for me!" Manjiro said.

"So?!were suprising shin asshole!that's your problem to worry about not ours!" Izana yelled.

"Shit head!"

"Tiny shrimp!"

"Old haired idiot!"

The two started to fight with using verbal words. You and emma just face palm in disappointment. You then knock manjiro and izana's heads as they started balling their fists,about to start an actual fight. Despite you being the second youngest after emma,you still have to discipline your bigger brothers. Even shinichiro for pete's sake. Emma is the only person who hasn't done anything stupid.

"Just stop fighting you two!we only have a few hours left before grandpa and shin arrive!there's no time to argue about how were going to suprise him." You said silencing the three of them.

"Sorry y/n (chin)." Both manjiro and izana said in unison.

Sighing with relieve,you decided to make another idea about how you all are going to suprise shin.

"Alright..how about we all combine our ideas together but we'll do it ourselves to make it come true?" You suggested final.

They all thought about it for a moment until they decided.

"Alright!i'll be making a feast tonight guys!wish me luck!" Emma said.

"I'll go inform the black dragons and tenjiku that there invited i guess." Izana said.

"I'll help emma with the food preparations and call my gang also,and set up the motorcycle." Manjiro said.

"Alright then!i'll bake one of the best cakes with shin's favorite fruits!" You said with courage.

After that agreement,you all started working hard. All for dear shin's birthday. Emma is working hard with her cooks and getting helped by manjiro,izana went over to the black dragon territory and informed shin's friends about his birthday,they agreed to be there at dinner. And you,your working your best stuff in another kitchen inside the house.

4 Hours Later..

It's starting to go dark already and shin and grandpa have finished grocery shopping. Shin is carrying all the bags that grandpa bought.

"Thank you for helping me today shinichiro. i really appreciate it." Grandpa said happily.

"It's no problem gramps!besides,your getting older as time passes already." Shinichiro said while carrying the bags.

Both of them got to the porch of the house and grandpa opened the door. As soon as shinihiro walked in,the whole lot of you guys cheered 'Happy Birthday!' infront of him making him jolt in confusion.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHINICHIRO!!" You all said including the black dragons,toman and even tenjiku. Shinichiro was shocked to see all three gangs at once just to celebrate his birthday.

"Y-you guys..." Shinichiro stuttered as his eyes began to tear up. Dropping the grocery bags,grandpa also congratulated him.

"What do you think nee-san?" You asked your dear brother as his tears were falling faster.

D-did you guys planned this..?" Shinichiro asked still stuttering at his words.

"Yeah!me,manjiro,izana,emma and grandpa!we want you to have the best birthday ever brother!because we all love you!including toman,tenjiku and black dragons!" You said making him hug all of you,manjiro,izana and emma.

You all hugged back as the three gangs cheered loudly. Shinichiro is still tearing up during this memorable event. You all celebrated shin's birthday like it's new years. All the gangs bought him tons of gifts while you five suprised him his dream motorcycle. He couldn't be happier than ever. His face has been brightly shining with smiles and a bit of tears while all of this is happening. He enjoyed every single moment he spent on this day including all of you. After that,grandpa set up a standing camera and everyone positioned themselves. Toman captains,vice-captains and founders along with tenjiku and black dragon's  stood behind chinichiro for the picture. Toman on the left,tenjiku on the right and black dragons in the middle where he is. You 5 stood infront of him smiling brightly like the sun. And as the timer started 5...4...3...2...1.. the camera clicked. Capturing all of you in one big picture.

You soon got the right frame to put this picture in and put it in the living for visitors to see and go. Right now,it has been sitting there in the living room ever since. Making it a more memorable day than any others.

Author's Note

Happy Birthday Sano Shinichiro!Your now 41 years old as of 2003 where kazu bonked you!This is a little late of a post,but hey!there's still 2 more sanos that we need to celebrate!and i'm looking forward to it!See ya!

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