Chapter 37

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Cheesecake Break||7:30AM  

"You did a great job haru!Your skills improved after the first and second one." Y/n huffed as she was panting,covered in sweat.

"Thanks y/n.. I'm glad I got to spar with you." Sanzu said as he is also panting.

"Me too. Why don't we take a break?" Sanzu nodded and they walked towards rindou who was sitting on the bench,watching them.

"You both did great."

"Thanks rin!Why don't you use the gym too?You practice jiu-jitsu right?"

"Yeah,but I'm a bit bored of doing so. Besides,I already mastered all the basic and hard steps."

"Not even warm ups?"

"Nope. I'm confident that I'm flexible enough. Watch this." He stood in the center of the yoga mat,and spread his legs on the ground until his ass reached the floor. She was impressed.

"Waaa~!So cool!"

"Tsk. Big deal. What's the point of doing a split if you're in the middle of a battlefield?" He scoffed.

"Why would I be dumb enough to use this in battle,dickface?"

"You did,didn't you?During that fight with tenjiku. I thought you were a total weirdo and yet you still are." Rindou grew a vein on his head.

"Oh yeah?You were weird too!You always wore your mask and you looked like a fucking girl with that long ass hair of yours. Didn't I also remember that ¾ bald friend of yours betrayed you?"

"Don't. You. Dare.. Speak to mucho like that."

"And was he really your friend back then?I mean,he betrayed you,joined tenjiku,and became toman's enemy that day. Would you even consider him your frie-" Before he could finish,sanzu grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He looked at him with murderous eyes. Sanzu was about to throw a punch when it was interrupted by y/n.

"Guys. Why don't we go somewhere to eat?I'm.. kind of hungry right now." They both looked at y/n,who seemed to have a sad expression. They thought it's because they were fighting so they stopped.

"Where do you wanna go,baby?"

"I want to go to that cheesecake shop that just opened up. Cozy Corner." Sanzu suddenly was flashed with memories,just hearing that title.

"Cozy corner,huh?Let's go then. I'll buy you whatever you want,darling."

"Thank you." They all exited the gym and headed for cozy corner. Sanzu pulled rindou behind and he looked at y/n with curiosity and confusion.

"If you're mentioning about the name calling I don't care."

"No. Not that. Did you see her face back there?"

"Face?The fuck are you talking about?"

"Asshole!She looked sad earlier. Do you think it's because we were fighting?"

"Maybe?And why do you care?"

"I used to walk with her to school everyday. Usually,when she's happy,she'd skip and hum."

"What's that got to do with her now?"

"I remember the time when her and mikey's parents passed away. Whenever we walk together she wouldn't skip or hum. Just walking normally while having her head looking at the ground. Same with shin and emma's death."

"So,you think someone important to her died recently?"

"I think so."

"Oh,guys. We're here." She stopped walking at looked at the shop.

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