7:«i thought we were friends»

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Katelyns POV

I got out of bed to go pick Mia up for school

I brushed my teeth and put my clothes on and did my hair

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. I grabbed my keys and went out the door

My parents had left early so I had to lock the door myself. Once I was done I started heading to Mia's house.

The normal routine.

Halfway to Mia's house I got a weird feeling in me so I stopped and checked my phone.

I looked and I had realized there was a text from our group text that was from Johnson.

"Guys we totally forgot it's Saturday "

Then I started laughing. Wow. I can't believe we totally forgot.

So I kept walking to Mia's house to tell her the good news, that well, it's the mother fucking weekend. (eyyyy)

When I was just a block away I thought that it would be nice to hang out with just Mia today. Like maybe the mall.

I got to Mia's front door I knew where the spare key was so I decided to scare Mia for fun.

I got the key from the pot that was right by the door and I put the key in and unlocked the door as quiet as I can.

Then I slowly put the key back. Then opened the door and I crawled to where the coach was.

It looked strange for some reason.As if there were two people on the coach but I didn't think much of it, I just really wanted to give Mia a fun, little scare.

Then as I was getting up I saw something that I wish I hadn't. Something I could never unsee:

I saw the guy I liked. And my best friend was kissing him.

I just stood there frozen not knowing what to do. How am I suppose to react?

Then I finally harshly pulled Matt away from Mia. I couldn't watch this any longer.

I didn't know what to do.

Then finally I said something:
"So...you two, um, are you guys like a thing? "

Then Matt and Mia looked at each other

"Well I'll leave you two alone um ill talk to you later Mia" I said breaking the silence.

Then I walked as quickly as I can to the door so they wouldn't see my watery eyes.

I was out the door but I could here Mia coming behind me.

Then she came outside to the front where I was.

And I was trying so hard to hold my tears in but-

Then Mia said...


What will Mia say?

Will Katelyn tell Mia right there that she likes Matt or will she not?

They're best friends right?

And we're trying to update more.

Keep Readingggg! 🙏🏿

Thanks for all the reads we're almost to 300!

-Mia and Katelyn 👯

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