36]Kira strikes

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L threw in another cube of sugar into his tea while stirring it up calmy.
"No that's not it" he muttered in a monotonous voice as the others were discussing of Naomi Misora's death.
Soichiro yagami spoke up.
" If we want to investigate her death, we should separate it from the Kira case"
Aizawa nodded in agreement.
"Her body is not found yet" L reminded thr others again in a dull voice.
But they were too quick to believe that she's dead."Her death makes sense Ryuzaki..." Matsuda explained getting restless.
"No." Said L taking another sip of his tea.
L didn't buy Shoko's death as he found it odd that her body was not found.
Why wouldn't anyone else find it odd?
What would Y/N say to this? He thought. The girl's thoughts crossed his dull mind every now and then.
It wasn't like him to think about someone with interest. But there he was,thinking about Y/N. Her smartness,her beauty, her voice,her everything... it made his cheeks go red? What was this fuzzy feeling forming in the pit of his stomach. It made him go crazy .
But he didn't hate it...

X knew the plan wouldn't work on L,but atleast it convinced the others.
Suddenly Watari rushed in .
"Ryuzaki, you might want to watch this" he muttered between muffled breaths as he clicked the tv remote.
Everyone's attention turned to the television.
Kira has Sakura TV hostage, and started killing off the newscasters.
"What the hell is this!" Mogi yelled in frustration.
Soichiro yagami stood up from his seat and Matsuda furrowed his brows in worry.
"Kira wants to spread the message around the world" L exclaimed.
"We must stop this broadcast immediately " his voice was laced with slight concern now.
Everyone nodded as they rushed around the room trying to contact Sakura tv.
"Damn it" Yelled Aizawa.
Their efforts were all in vain as none of Aizawa's contacts in the station had their phones on and as Matsuda picked up on the receptionist, nobody answered.
"We can't just sit here!" Screamed Ukita as he ran out on his own.
He rushed to the Sakura TV building.
"Hey you!" He yelled at the guard.
"Open the door!" Ukita huffed.
The guard refused and took another step back.
"Open the door or I'll shoot "
Ukita yelled pulling out his gun.
A bead off sweat escaped the guards forehead. Before any of them could move Ukita felt a sharp pain in his heart. He winced in pain as he clenched his chest.
He fell to the floor. Dead.
The group was watching the live broadcast.
They were left stunned. Just a while ago their friend was talking to them and smiling at them and now he was ..dead and its all Kira's fault.
Hate for Kira grew in each of their minds. But how did he manage to kill Ukita was the only question in all their heads,but they chose not to speak they could only think.
A tear left Matsuda's eye and Mogi gripped his hair in frustration.
L stared at the screen.
Aizawa couldn't contain his anger.
Soichiro yagami ,restlless and angry ran to his vehicle. He drove through the station glass front, breaking it. The glass shattered to pieces. He burst open the door and rushed into the control room.
"STOP THIS BROADCAST!" he yelled .
The head of sakura Tv shook his head .
Soichiro grabbed the head of Sakura Tv by his collar.
"I SAID STOP THIS BROADCAST" he said placing a gun to his head.
The man shook with fear as he ordered them to stop the broadcast.
Whoever killed Ukita must have been able to see him,hence killing using his name...
They must have been somewhere around him...
Thought L as he removed the thumb from his lip slowly
" You watched Sakura Tv earlier?"
Asked Light, his voice mixed with feelings. Yesterday was troublesome for him. He knew that the attack done yesterday wasn't by him. So who was this new Bastard using his name and running his plans?! It made him angry every time he thought about it.
"Yeah" I said while picking up the pen again to mark the points in my book. Me and Light were studying in his room.
The door flung open.
"Y/N!!" Screamed Sayu as she ran in.
Light rolled his eyes.
"Go get something to eat for her Sayu" Light ordered. Sayu jumped before running to fetch something.
I turned back to my book while picking the pen up again.
"You seem to dislike her" I commented softly.
Light squeezed his pen.
"After her stupid prank. I hate her" his voice was serious.
Is he still stuck up on that?

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