22]Task force

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My hand rose to caress his face but the word Kira flashed my mind.
I slowly pulled my hand but light caught it mid air.

He looked devastated when my hand retreated his face and placed it onto his cheek with his hand.
Facade. Facade. Facade.
I pulled my hand back .
"Go home,Light"
He looked at me intently.
"Go get some sleep" I stated.
He lowered his gaze and left.
As soon as he went,I began contemplating for tomorrow.
I must save Raye's fiance's life. I wore my hoodie and crept out the house. Slowly I approached her hotel avoiding suspicion. Holding a box of pizza in my hand.

I knocked at her door,showcasing My great delivery woman acting for the cameras .The woman opened it,her face dark."Your Pizza delivery ,Mam"
Shoko looked at the box in my hand confused."But I haven't ordered any-"
I closed the door behind myself and put my hands on her mouth before she made a sound.
"I mean no harm" I stated while loosening my hands. She stumbled backwards but heard me out regardless.
"I am X. Listen to me carefully Shoko."
I whispered. "Your life will be under threat tomorrow. You will be asked for your Real name but mustn't reveal it. The pizza box contains a earpiece and fake license. Follow my orders through the earpiece
"I finished. Shoko truned to look at the pizza box. She snapped her head back to look at me but I was already gone.
The rays of the bright sun fell on my face and the TV remote fell down,the button clicking against the floor.
The Tv came on.
"Breaking news!The President of the United States calls off the US's investigation in Japan after learning of the FBI deaths!" I glanced through the window into Light's room. He was laughing. Yeah ,yeah laugh. keep laughing till the laughter turns into cries.

Author's perspective:
The hotel room doors opened and a handfull of men entered.
There stoods L before the task force members.
"I am L" he said in a monotonous voice. The members looked shocked. Soichiro yagami began.
He lifted up his card
"I'm Yagami of the NPA"
"Ah Matsuda"
"I'm Aizawa"
Soichiro began to talk.
"I'm very sorry we're late, currently the 5 of us are-
"Bang" L lifted his hand and made a gun gesture.
The 5 of them were shocked.
"What the hell was that!" Mogi stated angrily.
"If I were Kira,you'd be dead by now" He says emotionlessly.
"Before you come in,please leave your cell phone or other devices there" he states walking in.
"What do think we're gonna use our cell phones to leak information!?" Mogi suggests frustrated.
"Its alright just do as he says" adds Soichiro.
"Lets begin"L says as he crouches on the chair sitting on his haunches and slurps his tea loudly. The others just watch him do so in silence.
Awkward silence.
He looks at his tea intently and then places the cup on the table. With his hand he picks up 6 sugar cubes and adds them in.
"Excuse me L.." Matsuda begins before L cuts him .
"From now on I'll have to ask that you stop calling me L. It's Ryuzaki now,just to be safe"
"O-ok Ryuzaki"
"We know that kira needs a name and face to kill,why dont we stop broadcasting the names of criminals?"
"We can't do that. " L replied.
"Doing that puts the general public in danger"
"Maybe if we said something like..death of FBI agents angers US.Nations agree to send fifteen hundred investigators to Japan" they all gasp.
"For Kira this will be way beyond the FBI.
He'll see everyone as a potential threat... psychologically he'll be cornered and take some kind of a drastic step"
L received a positive reaction from the rest."That's interesting " mutters yukita.
"So he'll think there're fifteen hundred when there's only the seven of us" stated Mogi." That might just work!" Yukita chimed.
"Well before you celebrate,I'll tell you the rets of my thoughts on Kira "
They nod their heads.
"Kira works alone. He had access to all of our classified information ,we know he needs a name and face to kill and to some extent he can control the time of the victims death. We all know that so please keep that in mind and listen carefully to what I have to say now"
By showing my face to you now and by sacrificing the life of those 12 FBI agents I may have lost the battle .
but I am not going to lose the war.

Art made by me😎

[Messy because made it with finger on a phone😂]

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[Messy because made it with finger on a phone😂]

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