31] Thoughts

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I slowly took L's hand's off me and rested his head on a seat before leaving I sharply looked at the driver. "Escort him correctly". I opened the door of the car and rushed out ,taking long strides . I walked across the dim and dark streets trying to get to my house the fastest way possible.

Light's perspective :
The darkness of the night consumed me completely. I squeezed my jacket tighter thinking about Y/n. The same scenario played in my head constantly. That man Hideki Ryuga what was it that he wanted from my Y/n and why did she comply? How did they know eachother? These questions were killing me inside. Desperation gnawed at my stomach as I just stood at Y/n's doorstep since the past hour waiting for her to arrive. But she didn't. It bothered me to think she was with that man. My heart sank when I thought about it. Then sudden noise of footsteps made me spin around. Y/n approached her house while yawning.
My eyes widened and I huffed. "Y/n" I stated getting close. "You're finally here" I smiled ,eyebrows furrowed.

Reader's perspective :
"Why did you wait?" I asked Light disapproval in my voice. His smile faltered qnd he made such a face that I almost felt bad for a second. We just stood facing eachother. The sky grumbled as a tiny drop of rain landed on my nose. I looked up at the cloudy night sky before there were rain drops falling everywhere. I opened the door to my house and walked in. Light just stood . "Come in or you'll catch a cold" I muttered. Light stepped into the house that he'd come to ever so often. I didn't know why but I couldn't help but notice that the peace and calmness from his face was snatched away. The tranquillity in his brown eyes was replaced with desperation and confusion. And I felt responsible.
Light wasn't damp,but he shivered slightly and I noticed it.
I made my way to my room with Light behind me like countless nights before. The only difference was that today I didn't want to think about his facade. For once I wanted to focus on what he showed me. It could be fake but it was there atleast.
We both were hungry for love.
I sat him down on my bed and layed down next to him. Staring into eachother's eyes we lay down with moving a single muscle. Light picked up the soft quilt and covered us both with it. His hands wrapped around me and he pulled mr into him and we just lay together. This time I didn't push him away.
The rain drops danced on my windowsill as he grazed his fingertips against my hand. "Y/N I wish you're always with me like this"he whispered sending chills down my spine . Before I knew it we both drifted away into a deep slumber.

I wake up in Light's arms and my eyes widen. I gently removed his hands tryung to to wake him up but as soon as his hands leave me,his eyes jut open. I sat up and walked into the washroom changing into my fresh clothes .
I came out seeing Light still laying on the bed looking at me.
"It's our First day of college Light. Get ready too and forget that you were ever here,lets not do this ever again "
My voice was cold and demanding.
Light's heart wrenched but he got up and nodded with a painful look because he knew he couldn't argue.

Once he was ready,we went to the yagami household .
"Good morning Y/n" said Mr yagami.
"Light,where were you last Night?" His mother asked with anger and worry.
" I was too tired so I slept at Y/n's..." He replied .
Upon hearing that his mother's face changed expressions.
"Oh then that's fine" she chirped.
"Have some breakfast Y/N, Light"
I walked on the campus with students chattering around. A few had asked for my number, and I also met Rin Nakashima who I'd been on a date with in highschool.
I couldn't help but notice Light.
From afar he was watching ,surrounded by his 'friends' and fan club.
I entered the class and sat at the back staring at my blank book.
Suddenly it hit me.
A vital part of the plot had vanished.
Yesterday,Ryuzaki was supposed to tell Light his identity as L but my presence in the plot changed that.
Noway .can such an important part of the plot just not happen?
I tried to connect the dots between Light's mother getting sick as well. That event was surely not in the original...
Did I change the story somehow ?

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