17]Bus hijacking

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Reader's perspective:

I eyed my clock and glanced out the window. According to the anime, Light asks his 'friend ' out for the date. But I'm positive that he's going to ask me since it's most convenient.
The doorbell rung.
Tsk. Knew it.
I opened the door calmy.
"Oh Light,come in" I smiled. He came in and faced me . I know hes putting up a facade but his smile and happy face when he saw me... it looked almost genuine... but I pushed away the thought.
Just when he was about to speak I took a step closer to him but my foot slipped. I fell forward on Light causing him to fall backwards on the floor. He fell on the floor but I placed my hand below his head so he wasnt hurt. Now he was lying on the floor with me over him and my hand under his head. His eyes shined although I expected him to be awkward. We stared into one anothers eyes, submerged in the moment. Strands of his soft hair brushed across my hand as I pulled it back and helped him up. Dusting off my clothes I bit my lip." Sorry about that,so you were saying"
Light chuckled. His voice seemed happy but I wasnt buying that. He began
"Well I don't know how to say this but actually I was wondering if..."
He scratched the back of his neck and looked at me nervously.
I quirked an eyebrow at him.
"Wondering if what?" I asked.
"Uh I.." I sighed.
"Ok Light before you say whatever I have to ask you something too"
He looked up into my eyes .
"I wanted to take you out for a date today" I smirked while saying that.
Light flinched and the back of his ears turned red. "I was going to ask you the same thing" He said.
"Oh is that so?" I hummed while picking up my bag and opened the door for him to walk first."Y/N you really read my mind" he chuckled. I smiled at him while we walked out.
I should really get an oscar for my acting.
"Lets go to the amusement park,Y/N " Light suggested." Aha,I love amusement parks" I stated and Light smiled at me affectionately. Sometimes I feel hes being genuine.... but I believe he's not.
Its just a facade.
"Lets go by bus"Light smiles at me and I nod my head.We wait at the bus stop and with the corner of my eye I recognise Raye penber's sharp eyes watching us intently. The bus arrives.
It starts now
I think to myself. And I smile before getting on.
Me and Light sat down down nearr the end of the bus . A man in a coat who I knew was Raye penber sat behind us.
A few moments passed and the bus started moving. Suddenly a man entered the bus. His clothes were shabby and he had a bottle of alcohol in his hands. He was drunk and he wobbled into the bus. Most seemed unbothered well except Light until he pulled out a gun."THIS BUS IS BEING HIJACKED NOW!" He yelled and walked to the front. "HEY YOU DRIVER! CALL THE DESTINATION AND TELL EM I NEED ALL THE MONEY OTHERWISE ALL YOU PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE!" Everyone in the bus is taken aback. Light quietly shows Y/N a note that says 'As my dads in the police, I know how to disarm. I am going to try and disarm him now'. The note was visible to the detective behind them, according to Light's plan. He whispered to the duo."No,thats too dangerous. Im an FBI agent, let me handle this." He murmurs. Light eyes him suspiciously "How do we know you're not his accomplice or something? Show me proof " behind Y/N's serious face lies her smirk. Raye flinches, he didn't think the mystery woman's warning would be true. Raye sweats,as he pulls out his identity card and hands it to Light. Light looks at it intently and smirks in victory. The card reads ' Raymond Perry, FBI agent'. Indeed, Raye handed him the Fake one. Light returns his card and nods,continuing his plan. Light keeps the piece of paper in his hand in front and the drunkard sees it.
"PLOTTING AGAINST ME!" He rages and strides towards Light snatching away the bit of paper. Light smirks. That piece of paper was no ordinary one,it was a piece of the death note. Any moment now,the man will see Ryuk and scream!
The man simply tosses the paper away and walks forward to the driver and begins arguing with him. Light's victorious smirk leaves his face now replaced with a look of confusion.
Whats going on why isn'the seeing Ryuk?.
When suddenly!

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