68] Reaper

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" I told her to be free today...." L murmured.
Watari nodded from beside him.
"They look closer" he stated.
L stopped fidgeting with the cup.
"Why do I feel devastated, Watari?" He asked .
"Because you don't want to see her with anyone else, L"
L sat silently for moments.
"You're right... what do you suggest I do?"
L asked , a bit anxiously.
"Make your move, before someone else does"
The fact that the man had specified for me to come alone..... what was his plan... who was he? I walked around the street for a while trying to remember people I'd met before, briefly, for they could potentially be this man. I could be risking everything I'd built, if I didn't go meet this man. So I ,after a long time of thoughtful consideration, decided that I'd do it. I would go meet him. I picked up my bag and got on my cycle, determined to find out who this loser was.
Once I reached the area I realised it was more shady than I had thought. The hospital was completely abandoned and in a state worse than I could ever have imagined. I looked around cautiously for signs of life. From the side of my eye I saw, through the last window on the third floor, a dark figure standing and staring, right at me. His face was hidden but I could tell he was looking straight at me. There was a crimson red aura around him.
Was it... was it the Reaper? My heart beat began to rise and I involuntarily took a step back. The figure didn't budge. It just stared down at me. I felt like he was burning holes through my soul from the intensity of his look. I hesitantly entered the ramshackled building. I had a strong feeling in my gut to quickly forwarded my location to L, and so I did. If nothing happened then I would say it was a mistake.The stairs creaked with each step I took. Finally, reaching the right floor I turned the Knob to the room which I saw him in. The dark figure was standing there, already facing me. The entity before me wore a dark , black cloak. The hood was large enough to cast long shadows on his face, concealing his features. Despite the darkness on his face, two red spots glowed from beneath his hood. Those terrifying red eyes. The red aura that he seemed to give out was mentally draining me as I looked at him. His presence alone was so intimidating that I felt the urge to immediately run out of this place. However I clenched my fists and remained strong.
"Who are you?" The words slipped off my lips, trying their best to sound assertive.
The entity stepped closer. With every step he took I felt myself getting weaker somehow. I held my chest with pain as my face contorted into slight worry.
"W-what the hell are you doing to me!?" I asked as I grabbed my head , feeling dizzy.
"I am the Reaper" The man said very casually.
" I eat souls"
I took a step back in disbelief.
"Are you feeding on my soul right now?"
I questioned . He stared at me intensely.
"Stop-I SAID STOP!" I yelled angrily as I pushed him back with all my force. He lost his balance and got pushed back a bit but that was my biggest error. A force stronger than a million elephants thrashed me onto the wall, banging my body of the table as I fell to ground. That instant, Raye Penber's voice was heard. "Y/N!" He ran out from behind the door from where he had been watching.
"I told you-"
" to come ALONE" the Reaper yelled as everything in the room starts flying across.
"WHY DID YOU FOLLOW ME" I screamed at Raye while trying to get up , but I just couldn't. Raye pulled out his gun and fired multiple shots at the cloaked figure but none seemed to affect him. He grew angrier by the second. Raye kept on firing as he groaned in fury and desperation.
The Reaper lifted his hand and Penber flew into the wall, banging his head hard.
"NO, NO ,NO!" I cried out.
" I told you to come alone." He said.
"I had an offer to make. An important offer."
"Betrayal isn't my thing." He smirked.
"DIE " he screamed as the whole ceiling started to collapse .
"NO, PLEASE!" I yelled after the man but
He jumped out through the window and escaped. The debris from the ceiling had began to fall and I could tell that this building would collapse soon. My attention went back to Penber. I Gasped when I saw a pool of blood under his head. I tried to get up but my legs throbbed in pain. I forced my self to crawl and writh toward him while I groaned in pain. "RAYE!" I cried out. "STAY WITH ME RAYE" I tried shaking him but there wasn't any response from his body. A gut wrenching feeling rose in my stomach. No.........

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. "Y-Y/n"
"RAYE" I muttered in relief as I pulled him up. I put one hand around his shoulder as I tried to walk with him.
"Please Raye, we need to make this quick " I muttered while he looked at me with eyes half open. We kept going, dodging all the falling debris as the rooms and stairs collapsed behind us.
"leave me here, go Y/n" Raye muttered as he moved with difficulty.
"NO!" I yelled as I tugged on his shoulders more. I could see an open window close enough to the ground infront.
"Raye the entrance is too far the ceiling with collapse before that- we're gonna jump out from here and we can make it okay-"
He nodded as hope flushed over the both of us. I leaped towards the window faster and faster . The light from outside fell on my face as I thought we were getting closer and closer to escaping. As I reached my hand out a large piece of debris hit my head as the ceiling came crashing down on us.
Everything went black. Jet black.

[Hi guys it's me. I made an insta page for my art it's called psyduck_011. ]

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