Chapter 2

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"Byakuya, Kyoko?!" Slowly they start to wake up "Where are we?!" Byakuya says startled "We're back here." I look down I don't want to see everyone die again. I hear Kyoko sigh "Does anyone know how we got here this time?"

"Like he would tell us." Byakuya said sarcastically "Actually, I know how I got here." I mumbled but Kyoko heard me "Really how?" (I'm too lazy to write it again so explaining time) "But I'm pretty sure he took all of us."

Just then we hear the door slam open and we hear Yasuhiro and Aoi crying "Why are we back here again?!" Aoi cried out "I don't want to relive this again." Hiro cried "Ew it's disgusting to see an old man crying stop it Hiro." snarled Byakuya.

"Oh yeah that's right I'm the oldest here!" He grinned did your brain just flip how did you forget that Suddenly there was a knock on the door Aoi screamed "Good going idiot they didn't know where we were before." Byakuya walks to the door and opens it "Ew" Then closes it again.

"Geez that's harsh!" I say and open the door and I see "Toko?" And let her in "Good now that we have everyone we can-" the detective gets interrupted by an announcement "I would like everyone to meet in the gym for meetings!" "Hmm must be your class come on let's go"

Then we walked to the gym we heard shouting in the main area when we got there because I walked in first and got wrapped in a scarf "Gahh!" I cried out and Toko got spooked and sneezed "Kykykyakkkk woah you like Makoto and your 30 what kind of  shit are you into!"

In a state of panic, I pull down the scarf and he goes flying "Woah when did you get strong you might be harder to kill?!" I ran to him "I'm sososososososososo sorry it was just instinct gah I'm so stupid." And I help him up

"Geez kid it's fine you should apply for ua you have much more potential the most of my class, the name is Shota Aizawa." He points over to my class "And those are my devils- I mean children."

Monokuma shows up on the podium "Welcome newcomers and our beloved survivors to a new season! Welp what are you waiting for introduce yourself~" "Wait aren't we missing someone?" "Yeah" someone piped in from the group of people "where's the stupid nerd?"

"Nope everyone's here if he were anywhere else he would be dead already~!" Aizawa looked ready to use his scarf again "What do you mean dead already." "Oh don't worry about it as long as you follow my rules you probably won't die, anyways Time to get to know the people you die with cause you never leave!"

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