Chapter 8

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<Makoto's POV>

"OH GOD," Kyoko said when she rushed into the room pausing to look at us then turn off the generator. The rest of her group came rushing in after the announcement "H-HEY YOU SHOUDN'T JUST RUSH TO THE SOUND OF SCREAMS YOU COULD HAVE-" Uraraka's voice faltered "AH KODA NOOO" Toru screams from behind her "I-IM gonna be sick."Aoyama says dry heaving near the exit.

"Oh no koda!" Shoto says with that same monotone voice. "Shoto have some respect please!" Asui said trying to comfort Aoyama. As the rest of the group gathered into the room with a similar reaction Monokuma finally appeared "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH WOW I KNEW I FOUND THE RIGHT PEOPLE KILLING WITHOUT ANY MOTIVE, WOW MAKOTO WITH THAT SCREAM HE MUST HAVE MEANT A LOT TO YOU HUH HOW DESPAIRFUL"

I didn't respond to his taunt I already knew what he was trying to get all I was focused on was getting Koda justice "Aww no responses fine I wasn't able to give you guys these mono tablets before one of ya decided to KILL" A mono tablet was placed in front of all of us I picked mine up not bothering to hear about how it works again. I immediately went to check for Koda's cause of death and HUH.

"Monokuma you're a fucking asshole," I say as monokuma starts hysterically laughing, "Hmm what's wrong Makoto?" Kyoko asks me "He disabled my ability to look at the death information," I say as I flip my screen around to the rest of the room where it shows a picture of monokuma laughing. "Uh that's weird it looks like nobody else has that error." Momo says observantly "HMMM I could only wonder why?" Glaring at monokuma I start to look at Byakuya's screen

Victim: Koji Koda

Cause of death: immolation (death by burning) / severe wounds

victim's height: 6'1

Time of death: 6:34 am

"Oh? I didn't see any wounds but it's probably because he was burned to death." I note as I start getting closer to his body examining it. When I examine the back of his head, I see very gruesome cauterized wounds that look like they are clawing at his skull. "Okay we need to start getting some information, Kyoko and Aoi can you begin taking alibis while Toko and Yashiro can watch the crime scene? Byakyua and I can start searching for evidence of the crime while some part of class 1a comes with us." I get nods in return and they go to their places.

"H-HEY WHAT'S GOING ON???" Mineta screams "OUR CLASSMATE JUST DIED ND YOUR JUST GOING TO RUSH US THROUGH IT WITH NO MOURNING YOU ALL ARE JUST HEARTLESS," he says pointing at us accusingly. "Oh my gosh, get over yourselves you forget that you are in a KILLING GAME YOU DID YOU THINK THIS WAS A JOKE??" Byakuya says standing menacingly tall over Mineta.

"OKAY, that's enough," Aizawa says pushing him away from Mineta the room falls into a tense silence I look at the room "Um- can I get Todoroki, Tokoyami, Iida, and Momo to come with us to investigate other areas?" "Hm, I suppose our fallen classmate shall be avenged by the monsters that killed him," Iida says glaring at us distrustingly at all of the survivors. We all stood outside the room, Byakuya sighed "Why is this smart-ass coming with us he already suspects both of us." "Don't be like that! We need people who are calm and observant in high-stress situations these people in my class are the best!"

"Okay," I say speaking to the whole group now," We should split up to cover more ground we should go in groups of-" "Nope!" "huh-" "WE SHALL NOT LISTEN TO THESE MURDERS," Iida says while his classmates seem to be on his side. I stay quiet while fuming in my mind at the accusation. "We should go in groups of 2. Todoroki and Momo while I will go with Tokoyami those murders can just go together!" Byakuya growled at all the insults but followed my lead to stay quiet.

"Okay, now we should decide where to go! Momo and Todoroki can go to the left side to investigate while Tokoyami and I can search the right. Murderers I don't care where you go just don't follow us or else," While they split up Byakuya shouted lots of vulgar words at both groups. "God we should-" "" "Huh" "Byakuya I'm done being nice to these assholes if all we are is considered is murderers why would we help the so-called innocent we are not gonna join in their silly little investigation we are gonna start our own we shit starts hitting the fan and they are about to kill us all of course our lives are on the line so we will just have to step in," I say while giggling to myself.

...No response I glance up and Byakuya suddenly hugs me out of nowhere. "I love you so much," he whispers into my ear...HUH, blushing I struggle my way out of my grasp "Whatever let's just start investigating." "OH no no no when were you gonna tell me about this plan???!!"


We were about to return to the incinerator to check on the others when Momo came rushing at us. "MAKOTO PLEASE HELP US IT'S IIDA WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!" "Why would you want help from 'murderers' call someone who cares" Byakuya sneers at her " No Byakuya something seems off.... lead us to him now!" I say as I feel danger senses going haywire "Um Okay hurry!" she says sprinting ahead of us.

She leads us to the pool where we see...Oh god not again. "AHHHHHHH!" I scream as I see Iida's dismembered body pouring out blood. We suddenly hear another announcement.



That's weird


Why didn't the body discovery announcement go off when the other 3 students found it?

Wait a minute-

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