Chapter 7

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"PUHUHuhuhuhuhuhuhu this is very intresting huh~" 

< Makoto's POV>

Monokuma suddenly says as he appears in the dining hall giggling at everyone's mortified faces. "H-Hey what did you do to Koda, you psychopath!?" Kaminari says Monokuma starts to laugh even harder at his confusion. "ME?? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING HAHAHAHHAHHAH!! SURIVERS YOU KNOW TO DO GET TO SEARCHIN!" He says with his voice giggling and then vanishes. We were all stunned in silence. "W-wait what did he mean by that??" Aoyama says fear shaking in his voice. "Well, you're about to find out newbie, Come on we need to start searching."

Byakuya says with no sympathy for the class "Wait Byakuya" I say he stops by the door "Hmm?" he says acknowledging me. "We should start by going into groups so we can keep eyes on everyone." He sighed and walked back up to us. "Okay, guys split up into groups  hurry though we are losing time." "HAH, WHO ARE YOU TO TELL US TO DO??" Bakugou says stepping up to Makoto and grabbing his shirt. "BAKUGOU THAT'S ENOUGH STOP! " Aizawa yells at Bakugou.

Makoto suddenly punches him to the ground and then crouches down to his level on the floor. "You know you are not one to make a good impression this WHOLE time I've ONLY been getting hurt to protect you guys from this game's TRUE COLORS but, I should have let you DIE the first time you opened your MOUTH. YOU. HAVE. NO. POWER. IN. THIS GAME. Stop trying to HURT away people trying to HELP you SURVIVE." I say looking him straight in the eyes.

When I look up I see 3 groups of six but 1 with 4 and Byakuya standing to the side smirking. All of them stared at me with their jaw dropped "So! now that you have wasted more of our time you can join that group of five over there." I smile pointing at the group. He walked over embarrassment written all over his face. "Byakuya why aren't you in a group already," I said glaring half-heartedly at him. He looked at me questioning "Aren't we gonna investigate together?" "Huh that's fine I guess," I say looking away and blushing 

"Okay now that we have the groups decided I will assign where each group will have to investigate to find Kota!" "Group 1 (Mina, Iida, Sato, Ojiro, Aoi, and Momo) will start to search in her, the kitchen, and the gym." "Group 2 (Denki, Shoji, Kirishima, Mineta, Aizawa, and Yasuhiro) will search in the changing room, laundry room, and  sauna." "Group 3 ( Toko, Sero, Tokoyami, Jiro, and Bakugou) will search the storage room and the AV room. "And finally  Group 4 ( Kyoko, Shoto, Aoyama, Toru, Uraraka, and Asui) will search the dorms and the nurse's office, make sure to grab supplies just in case "

There were hums of agreement as everyone left to go search in their places with the group in the dining hall starting in the kitchen leaving Byuakuya and me alone to search the hallways, school shop, bathrooms, and the incinerating room. "Hmm, so where should we start...Byakuya?" I look at him to see him still grinning in amusement at me "I've never seen you get so mad at someone like that." he says with a smile "Oh shut up let's just start searching." I said walking away from him "Fine, Fine" he said jogging up behind me.

We started by checking the school shop looking down hallways as we went along and when we reached the shop.... nope nothing, it was still filled with junk though. We continued to see no signs of Koda as we went into the bathroom and....................still no Koda "Hmm he's not here either  I worried someone might have...." "Killed him?" Byakuya finishes for me "But why would they haven't even been introduced to a motive yet why would they kill him? He is the nicest person I've ever known!" I say with frustration obvious in my voice " You already know the consequences of trying to think with your heart Makoto." He says with a frown, he's right, Sayaka. I shouldn't be so trusting. "Come on let's just go to the incinerator now let's just hope another group found him alive and well," I say changing the touchy subject. 

When we got to the incinerator there was a sickening smell of burning flesh lingering outside the room, My heart dropped as I stopped in front of the door just standing there knowing what would be behind the door. Byakuya came up behind me and covered my eyes smelling the smell of death at the same time as me "Just don't look ok?" he said in a soft voice I nob as I heard the door creak open and I heard a sharp gasp come from Byakuya. My morbid curiosity got the better of me as peeked through the gaps in Byakuya's hands and let out an ear-piercing scream.




So we found ...Koda 

His head was sticking out of the incinerator staring at us with lifeless eyes while his body was being cooked alive- no scratch that we could tell he was already dead. We were startled when we suddenly heard the door slammed open by Kyoko. "ARE YOU TWO OKA-" she looked in front of us to see Koda "Oh god..." 


Welp see you next chapter, hope you enjoyed this one and have a great day



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