Chapter 4

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(I'm so sorry for not uploading this chapter, It got deleted 3 times even though I SAVED so I waited until the weekend to go through it anyway enjoy this chapter!!!)

<Byakuya's pov>

I was frozen in shock, and so was the rest of the room, then Monokuma suddenly shouted in anger "GODDAMMIT MAKOTO STOP RUINING MY GAME!" Out of all of us, Kyoko was the first one to snap out of shock. "Are you all going to sit there forever or check on them?" She walked over to them and checked their pulse.

I was out of my shock and walked over to them "Is Makoto okay?" I asked "He's fine, come on" She motioned me to pick up Makoto and follow her she looked at the rest of his class "You might want to check on your friend." "Ah right!" Kirishima ran over to Bakugou and tried to pick him up. I still don't know why this is a thing.

"If I'm correct this is the same building as last time so Aoi, Toko can you show them around?" They both nodded and started to lead them out of the gym "Come on! If any of you pretty boys step out of line I'll get my sharp pair of scissors!" I heard Jill say. She still creeps me out we were the only people in the gym except for...

"Hey, what am I supposed to do?!" Yashiro shouted, "Hmm I don't know follow the group you are old enough." Kyoko tried to get him away "I don't know they might need someone who has a mindset older than 5 years old." I sneered at him. Before he could complain we walked out and went to the dorms.

(It's like the dorms in Mha anime but with extra rooms of course)

"Hmm even though they upgraded it still looks like peasants live here." I looked at this place in disgust "Not everyone is the ultimate rich kid Byakuya." Kyoko pointed out "It's Affluent Progeny." I corrected she either didn't listen or didn't care because we were at Makoto's door "Hmm no key." The detective observed.

Monokuma suddenly popped up still mumbling about Makoto ruining his source of enjoyment and threw 3 keys at us and then disappeared. "Well.... that solves that problem (Btw he doesn't have a bunch of all might stuff maybe one or two posters and that's it)

We walked in to see a completely different room from the last killing game it had a few posters, a massive bed, a bucket full of tools, clover wallpapers I guess it represents luck, and a stack of notebooks with a note on top on a dresser. I lay him on the bed while Kyoko went to check out the note that she read out loud.

"To Danganronpa's little shit who got his classmates out of despair, we know you're going to go crazy without these we left five new ones have a despairing rest of your life--Your future killer, Monokuma. I wonder what's in these?" As she opened the top one.

A new voice popped in "They are notes on everyone I've met after the Killing game." We jump to see Makoto awake "When did you wake up?!" I said He looked red "Um when we got out of the gym?" "You couldn't have told me so I could drop you!" "You know you wouldn't have Byakuya." Kyoko stopped us from arguing.

"Hmm, these are some pretty good notes in here." She complimented He looked like a tomato now "I-I learned from the best!" And looks away from us Hmm I'm kinda jealous she made him blus- wait why am I jealous of a commoner!? My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the Monokuma alarm.

"ahem attention students this is for the new people, Survivors can come if they want. I prefer if you don't MAKOTO but, I can't stop so come down to the dining hall!" "We should go!" Makoto says and tries to stand up then falls back down with a grunt. "Tch Idiot." And I pick him up Kyoko smirks at us.

"You must like carrying him around." I blushed and Makoto hid his face in my chest before I could make an excuse she said "come on no time to talk let's go"....

Done, have a good day bye guys!!! See you next chapter

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