Chapter 6

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<Makoto's pov>

I woke up to probably the most sleep I will ever get AKA (2 hours) but, I can make the most of it. I crawled out of my bed took a shower and got dressed like normal and walked out of my dorm. I look around to see Byakuya heading towards the dining hall.

"Hey, Byakuya!" I call out to him. He turns around and I run to him. "Hmm? Oh good morning Makoto." He looked down at me "Good morning" I smiled at him and we walked in silence to the dining hall........ It was a mess already and I already forgot my class was here...they brought the place to hell.

Todoroki was in the corner talking about conspiracy theories in the case of Midoriya being missing.....shit. Toko- wait no Genocide Jack harassing the boys (again). Yashiro was trying to sell people their futures???

I pinched my nose, this was going to be a god-awful morning, "Jack lay off of them, will you? They are in the same situation as us." I yelled from across the dining hall. "Keyeyeyeyeykkkye- fine Makoto but you aren't the boss of me I can and still will skin you alive." She says as she skips out of the dining hall. "Don't worry, her threats aren't scary anymore after like a week of hearing them," I say as I look at the group of boys who are still frightened.

As more people walk in I see Iida suddenly stand up on one of the tables. "AHEM, PEOPLE OF THIS KILLING GAME, IT SHOULD BE A RATHER WISE DECISION IF WE START TO KEEP ROLE WITH EVERYBODY IN THE MORNING!" startling everyone when his voice boomed into the echoing room. "SHUT IT FOUR EYES IT'S WAY TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING TO DEAL WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!" Bakugo steps up to the table looking up at Iida,

As everyone in class 1a started to argue about whether it was a good idea or not the survivors grouped around a table at the back of the dining hall."Tch who are these peasants to tell us when to show up to 'take roll' with them." Byakuyua insults, I lightly shove my shoulder into his "Go easy on them! we were panicking when we first showed up in this sick game" I scolded him."Aren't those you're classmates Makoto you go make them shut up."

Aoi says the tiredness showing in her voice while covering her ears. Yasuhiro, Kyoko, and Toko all made sounds of agreement."Uh haha well you see they uhh don't know I'm their classmate yet" His voice getting smaller as his sentence went on. Yasuhiro's head suddenly popped, "HUH? Wouldn't they have recognized you by now??" he said while everyone at the table was looking at me for an answer.

"Well no not the real me anyway."I say with a frown while continuing " After Danganronpa I found out my parents got killed in the tragedy and I couldn't find my sister anywhere so I got put into the foster care system and after many failed families I ended up with this sweet lady named Inko, after that I decided to completely alter my appearance and start all anew." I explained.

"Hm?" Kyoko said in interest," So what caused these new heightened abilities of yours and those 'quirks' as you people call them?" She questioned. "Huh, I guess I never questioned that part If I have to say it would probably be my body adjusting to the new society's adaptations but, that just seems silly." "Yeah, I think-" The room goes dead silent, We suddenly hear the door slam shut we look and see Aizawa come into the room eyebags looking heavier than ever as he sighs.

"Ok since it seems like I'm the only adult here." "HEY!" Yasuhiro jumps up."I think he meant a competent adult." Aoi laughs at him while he shrinks down in shame. "Anyways- I think it's a good idea to come in here and check up on each other, You know not to immediately lose all of our sanity, So for now let's take roll. Everyone silently agreed. Even Byuakuya- "What nothing to say now huh." Hiro smirked at Byakuya " Oh shut it I rather listen to the hobo than you any day." "Ouch, guys! You're such bullies" Hiro says looking like he's about to cry.

"Okay let's start over here guess."Aizawa says looking directly at us "Is everyone there? I guess you are missing that crazy girl." "HEY YOU'LL BE THE FIRST ON I KILL!" Jack says from behind Aizawa, nobody noticed her walk in scaring half the boys. Aizawa suddenly pinched the bridge of his nose "God keep that thing on a leash, please? It's way too early for all the screaming" He says as Toko walks over to us saying some not-so-kind words in retaliation. "Alright anyway, what about my class, everyone here?" Iida suddenly answered looking like he was waiting for the question to be asked "Sir, it seems that we are still missing Midorya but Kota is also missing!"

"Hmm yeah, now that I think about it I never saw him walk into his room last night or come out this morning," Shoji said with a curious look in his eyes. All the survivors tensed up suddenly.

"Huh, I wonder where Kota is ?"

"Puhuhuhuhuuh this game is already off to an interesting start!"

Surprisingly I didn't completely abandon these stories I might in the near future but for now I hope you enjoyed chapter six!



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