Chapter 3

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(Also Monokuma already explained quirks and class 1A knows they don't have quirk Monokuma didn't tell them about Midoriya being Makoto yet so they don't know he has a quirk for my sake it's already the longest chapter I've ever written)

< Makoto's pov >

"HAH WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" The hot head says startled "Oh don't worry I explain it all to you after introductions!" The bear said right they don't know anything about danganronpa the bear continued "All you have to do now is meet your future dead classmates all you have to do is say your name quirk and ultimate!" He said excitedly

Aizawa pops in "I thought we couldn't use out quirks, so why would that be necessary? And what are ultimates?" Surprisingly calm "I never said using your quirks weren't allowed pupupupupu, but not to escape to KILLLLL!.....or anyway else that doesn't involve you escaping.

Hmm I guess this wasn't very planned for. The bear started to speak again "Oh and as your ultimates-" A card suddenly dropped down in front of Aizawa and all of his students he picked it up and he read out "The Ultimate teacher- OH HELL NO I HATE TEACHING" (by the way I did this on their personalities In The anime but I don't watch it much) before he could complain more monokuma disappeared.

Aizawa sighed "Alright students come over here so we can meet these strangers don't worry we will get out of here." The students students started to crowd the entrance of the gym the someone grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the ground "Come on we don't need to be crowded by these lower class idiots."

"Hey B-Byakuya that's not nice!" All of the class seem to notice our disappearance. Mina runs up to Togami seemed shocked first because nobody dared to come up to him and she was LITERALLY PINK WITH HORNS "Ew what is this abomination the government was hiding." Mina looked very hurt by his comment "H-Hey it's just my quirk!"She says,trying to defend herself

 "Hey Byakuya be nice and introduce yourself." I tried to stop a future fight "Tch fine remember this well peasant My name is Byakuya Togami The Ultimate Affluent Progeny." She looked confused "So that's your talent being rich sounds kinda boring!"

I had to hold him back from going on a rant about how he earned his title She went over to me "OOOH you're cute you remind me of Midoriya, but we still don't know where he is though." She frowned and I tensed up they were going to have to know eventually she continued.

"Anyways what's your name?" "I'm Makoto Naegi The Ultimate lucky student" "Cool you're super lucky, Anyways I'm Mina Ashido My quirk is acid And I'm the Ultimate dancer" "That's fitting you seem like a bubbly person."

(Alright I'm only writing the first interaction (Mina) and the last one (Bakugou) and their ultimate talents)

1. Mina The Ultimate Dancer

2. Jiro The Ultimate Musician

3. Momo The Ultimate Creator

4. Kirishima The Ultimate Bodybuilder

5. Sato The Ultimate Baker

6. Lida The Ultimate Moral Compass ( Okay lida and taka are very similar)

7. Toru The Ultimate Investigator

8. Asui : The Ultimate hybrid

9. Shoji : The Ultimate Mystery 

10. Ojiro:The Ultimate Martial artist

11. Koda: The Ultimate Zoologists

12. Uraraka:The Ultimate astronaut 

13.Mineta:The Ultimate pervert

14. Tokoyami:The Ultimate cultists

15.Sero: The ultimate athlete

16.Todoroki: The Ultimate Affluent Progeny (he's chill though not like togami)

17.Aizawa: The Ultimate Teacher

18. Bakugou: The Ultimate Chef)

19. Denki: Ultimate Electrician

20. Aoyama: The Ultimate fashion designer

21. Izuku: The Ultimate ???

 Byakuya and I went to meet all of my classmates who looked I don't know if it was a good or bad thing after we left the hot head blew up literally and broke the stage Then Monokuma showed up "Hey you delinquent stop burning my stage or your going to be punished for this behavior!"

All of the survivors tensed at this they knew what punishment meant for Monokuma before we could tell him to shut up before he pissed Monokuma off "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO EXTRA PUT ME IN YOUR TIME OUT CORNER?!"

And he sent explosions at Monokuma "VOILENCE AGAINST THE HEAD MASTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!" and that's when Monokuma started to do the same ritual as he did for Junko's sister. And everything seemed to go in slow motion that's when one for all kicked in my eyes glowed brown.

Byakuya noticed this "Makoto what are you doin-" I wasn't there, I was by Bakugou's side gripping him near the wall the spears hit nobody and that's when I blacked out........

Alright, that's the chapter I will probably upload again tomorrow also new POV of Byakuya and probably Kyoko or other survivors Have a good day bye!

P.S. Did I miss anyone on the list tell me and I'll add them.

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