Chapter 1 Conversation

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Chapter 1 Conversation
Arizona walked up beside Callie who was standing at the nurse's station looking at a chart. Arizona turned towards Callie. "Hi" Arizona said. "Hey" Callie said not looking up. "So how's that leg project going...with Dan?" She asked clicking her pen open to start working on her chart. "It's great. He's walking pretty well with it and he hasn't fallen or anything yet so that a good sign." Callie said looking up at Arizona. Arizona looked up at Callie and smiled. "That's great!...Derek would be so happy about that." Arizona said a small smile on her face as she thought about the friend she'd lost. Then she put her pen down and started to walk away. Callie stared at her for a few seconds before blurting out. "I started this for you you know." She said quickly. Arizona spun around and raised one of her eyebrows up. "Started what?" Arizona asked a tinge of nervousness coating her voice. "This whole...leg project. I started it for you. I-I wanted you to be able walk like you used to." Callie eyebrows drawn together in concern about how Arizona would react to what she had said. She was half wishing she hadn't said anything at all and half extremely glad she did. Arizona stared at her her mouth opening and closing like a fish. "I-I-well-I kind of-I figured you did. But you never said I figured maybe...maybe you hadn't." Arizona said to her her face twisted into an expression that Callie couldn't quite distinguish. "I did." Callie said. Arizona just stood there looking at her. "You-you wanna join?" Callie asked.

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