Chapter 2 Healing

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Chapter 2 Healing

Arizona was in the physical therapy with Callie wearing the robotic leg that Callie had engineered. She was walking along the small ramp beneath her feet holding tightly onto he bars on either side as she took a few steps forward towards Callie as she coaxed her on. "Come on that's great Arizona! This is fantastic! You're doing so great!" Callie beamed at Arizona overwhelming pride filling her body. Arizona looked at her with a tired smile and reached to wipe her hair out her face and then grabbed back onto the bars on either side of her. They continued to work with the leg for about an hour or so when they both came to the mutual decision that it was time to stop. Callie helped Arizona over to a chair placed close to the bars. Then she knelt down to Arizona and started to help her take off the leg. As she was doing this she looked up at Arizona who was staring back at her and smiling. Even though it had been almost two years Callie still felt an extreme amount of tenderness towards her. She didn't want her feelings to consume her as they sometimes did still. So Callie cleared her throat and looked back down at Arizona's leg. "Um yeah. Okay." She cleared her throat again and started to help Arizona take off the robotic leg and walked over to get Arizona's usual prosthetic from the other side of the room. She walked back over to Arizona and started to help her out her leg on. She shifted her position awkwardly as memories flooded her brain. She let out a deep breath and helped Arizona up from her chair. They both locked eyes for a few moments. "So I'll see you tonight when I come to pick up Sofia?" Arizona said tearing her eyes away from Callie's. Callie looked down at the ground and then back up at Arizona "Yeah,yeah of course" Callie said.

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