Part 13|The End

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I started making the things in the book come true slowly so no one noticed anything too weird. After a few weeks everything was going smoothly. Until the ground started shaking again. Did I do it wrong!? The light from the sky came back. "Time? Is that you?" I yelled. The light did it's thing where it moved around and morphed again into the glowing humanoid figure. "You fixed it! Good job! Now get rid of the book." It said. "Ok but where?" I asked. "Far away here I can take you to wherever you want to hide it." It said. "The other side of the world." I said. It picked me up and suddenly I was on the other side of the world. "Good choice no one really lives here, choose your spot." It said. I dug up some of the ground placed the book there and covered it again. "Wow! Much better than the previous one." It said. "Previous one?" I asked. "Oh right this book has been in the world for generations, the previous finder hid it under a bench." It said. "Oh yea! Wondrous' grandma!" I said. "Oh? It's the ghost girls grandma? I don't keep track of all these humans I've been around sense the universe was created." It asked. "Yea! Wait, what did she do with the book?" I asked. "The exact same thing, just at a slower pace." It answered. "Wait if she also did it and I did it why didn't you destroy the book? It can always happen again and they will possibly destroy the universe." I asked.

"Oh it's been happening ever sense I created the book awhile ago, it's a good experience for humans to see how the world can crumble in the right hands and that being responsible is Important." It said. "What. So was it all a lie?" I asked. "Well yes but no, you could fully destroy the universe if you wanted to but using the power irresponsibly doesn't do anything but get my attention." It answered. "What the fuck dude!?" I yelled. "I see you are mad, I will leave now." It said. "WHAT NO!" I yelled. "Listen if you need me ring this bell, I will make you forget that I ever existed but you will know that this bell holds the ultimate power and to only ring it in emergencies." It said before disappearing. Then I forgot and I was so confused why I was in an unknown place. How'd I get here? The bell in my hand. This bell is powerful I don't know why I know that but I know it holds power. I rang it. The sky started glowing. Is this bell summoning god? Is this bell god? What the hell is going on!? The light from the swished around and formed into a humanoid figure, it's entire body glowing. "Yes?" It asked. "WHAT ARE YOU!?" I screamed in confusion but also awe. "I am time why'd you call me?" It asked. "Oh Um I'm very confused to how I got here, could you help me? I have to get home before my sister gets home because she's like younger than me and all.." I explained. "Right I'll make you re-gain your memory's for a minute so you know what's going on." It said. "Huh-" I said then I remembered. The memory's all came in order and fast so I started remembering everything very quickly. "The book, the woman, her grandmother, the book, She died!?, what's going on!?, my sisters dead?, the world, YOU!" I said in a very scared voice.

"Ok now-" it said before I cut it off. "You never took away my powers." I said. "Wait wha-" It said before I lifted off the ground my eyes glowing. "The end of time, END OF YOU!" I screamed. The world started shaking. "Youngling, you just got your memory back now you want to destroy time itself?" It said. "Yea- And I will." I said angrily. "I'm sorry but I cannot let that happen." It said before snapping. My power just disappeared and I dropped to the ground. "What!?" I screamed. "Sorry youngling it's not that easy, you can't just destroy the universe like that." It said. "But-" I said before I just got angry and tried punching it. "Sorry Kid, Time is fragile but you can't physically punch it." It said. "This isn't how it's supposed to go!" I screamed. Then I noticed. Its not talking like time it's talking like a know it all nerd. I hate nerds but that's not the point, is time slowly going insane? "Why are you talking like that?" I asked. "Oh kid, I seem to have maybe been a bit late when taking away your powers. Now I have seem to be a little bit weird with my talking, This is because my form is melting from the inside, Soon I might just become to a state where I no longer exist. Congrats you destroyed the universe." It said "Wait- I thought it wasn't that easy?" I said. "Well it's how it was always supposed to be. Your the main character with ultimate power that eventually destroys the universe." It said. "what?" I said confused. "I can't explain but basically this book is your story now and with it you caused the end of your story, I guess I have to be going now." "But my story's to short! It all seemed so fast at first but now it just seems like it's slowly coming to an end." I said. "That's because it is." It said. I looked at time and wondrous appeared behind him. I say "WONDROUS!? WHY ARE YOU HERE THIS MAKES NO SENSE I-" before wondrous cuts me off. "Gonna make me disappear for the good of fixing time huh!? Now look at what you've done! Time is dying and I'm here because technically I don't exist and the world is becoming non-existence so I can exist now in non-existence." "Don't infinite things not exist?" I ask. "Yea that's why there's so much stuff around you look around." She replied. I looked around and she was right so many things that I have never seen. There were unicorns and mermaids and pink frogs and so much more. I was just in pure awe. Then I started feeling really horrible. "Your no longer going to exist since you exist." Wondrous says. "Why are you talking what about Time!?" I said. I look at time and he's just disappearing. "Listen Gem everything is going to be gone including you. It's all your fault." It said. It paused before it started speaking again "Listen gems cannon real looks and name is-"

The End

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