Chapter 24 - Set in Motion

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Chief Bloodborne

My body felt desensitized as I lay on the cold hard ground. It had been months since I last saw my mountains or Brenna. I chose to go back to the fight to get her out of my thoughts, but her entirety stained my mind, especially during the nights when everything grew still. I had nothing to distract myself.

The flaps of my tent flailed around in the muggy wind. Spring had come and passed, and summer was upon us. The weather had been excruciatingly hot these past few weeks and hadn't rained a drop. I missed Brenna with my entire being. I longed to be under my mountains beside her. I wondered if she still hated me. Maybe she has forgiven me and feels the same as I do now. "Only wishful thinking," I muttered.

A roll of thunder interrupted my thoughts. I took a deep breath in. The air was crisp but began to smell damp. Thank the gods, maybe I might get at least one thing I've prayed for. Some fucking rain. I forced my rigid body up from the ground. My muscles were stiff from the endless fighting and sleeping in the dirt.

I pulled back one of the flaps to my tent and looked out. The surrounding forest was a void of darkness. I couldn't see a damn thing. A bolt of lightning illuminated everything around me for a mere second. I caught a glimpse of the black storm clouds overhead and the trees bending to the will of the coming storm. I could also make out the outline of Sten's shabby tent to my left. I shook my head. I told that fucker to secure that thing better. I could not see anything in the distance, but I knew my warg was close. I let out a low whistle to signal to her.

"Amity, come here, girl." I did not want to speak too loudly because we were far away from any of the orc posts. When I rejoined the fight, the humans had begun another battle with us. We have managed thus far. However, we had not pushed their line back much.

Sten and I decided to leave our post and sneak into Blackwater territory undetected. Our goal was to get close to the human's post to watch from a distance and see what information we could get from them. I saw something in the darkness coming closer to me. Gods, it was so fucking dark out here. I nearly jumped when I felt Amity's wet nose nudge against my arm.

"Come here, you great fleabag."

I moved aside and coerced her into the tent. I couldn't let my horse of a warg sleep out in this weather. Amity had thick, dark gray fur and yellow eyes. She was not much different from a typical wolf or coyote except for her size. She had to be three to four times larger than me. She sniffed and groaned as she flopped down beside me. I could hear her tail thudding on the ground. It wasn't often that I let her sleep next to me.

It wasn't because I didn't love her, but by gods, her stench could burn the hair out of your nose. It had been weeks since she had a proper bath. She rolled around in the dirt beside me and nearly flattened me. "Alright, Alright! Don't get too comfortable now." Not even a moment after the words left my mouth, she licked me in the face. Her hot, rotten breath nearly suffocated me. "Amity! You better quit that shit," I said, gagging.

She couldn't help but be excited. If I was uncomfortable before, I had no words to describe this situation. There was absolutely no room left, and her smell overwhelmed the air. God's forbid I tied the tent flaps closed. Her stink would kill both of us.

The rain began to come down and beat against the tent. As cramped as it was, Amity got up, walked around in a circle, and flopped down again. She laid her massive head on my chest. It took some time, but I did finally fall asleep myself. As bad as she smelled, at least I had some company.


I held Brenna's hand as we walked into the field behind the Northern Orruk castle. The warm spring sunshine gleamed off her amber hair. I led her to the falls and lay beside her in the lush grass, gazing into her beautiful doe eyes. I plucked a yellow dandelion from its stem and tucked it behind her ear. Suddenly, I felt a warm breeze engulf us. That's when I realized something was off. There was a foul stench in the air. I jerked awake to find Amity licking my face.

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