Chapter 29 - Terms and Conditions

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Brenna Blackwater

Soft morning light cascaded through the thin fabric over the north-facing windows. I stretched across the welcoming bed underneath the thin white linens. I breathed in deeply and blinked the sleep from my eyes as I woke up. I was still dazed and a little disoriented. Then, it all came flooding back to me.

I sat up, causing my thick, caramel hair to fall around me in waves. I looked around the room, realizing I was in Jasper's room. His scent engulfed my bare skin. My cheeks burned as the memory of his touch flooded back to me. I could not believe that I- I let him do that to me, and I loved every second of it. I pulled the linen around myself tighter to cover my bare body. I placed my hand over my mouth and smiled softly, thinking of Jasper's touch. I wanted more.

I made my mind up the minute I knew he was missing, but last night made me ready to say it aloud. Despite our differences and the repercussions our relationship could have, I was in love with Jasper. I could not deny it to myself or him any longer. I recalled his words. "You are my woman now, Brenna. I love you too." It all didn't seem real. I had told an orc I loved him, and he reciprocated those feelings. Just then, the door opened. I expected it was Jasper, but to my mortification, it was one of the servant girls. I jerked the furs up to my chin to hide my shame. She froze at the door, just as embarrassed as I was.

"Chief Bloodborne. He asked me to serve your breakfast," she stammered.

"Oh- okay," I gulped. I realized she was waiting for an answer. "Umm, just leave it on the table by the couch. Thank you." She placed the food down and turned to leave in a hurry. "Wait, do you know where he is," I asked.

She stopped in the doorway. "I'm not sure, my lady. He went out early this morning," she said before leaving. I felt panic rising in my body. Why would Jasper go out and not tell me? I started having flashbacks about the day he left to go back to the battlefield. Gods, tell me he hasn't gone back out there again, and so soon.

I threw on my chemise. It was damp from last night. Then I ran across the hall to my room, trying not to be seen in my undergarments. I pulled on the nude peach dress I had brought from Blackwater Hold and ran a brush through my wild hair. I flew out the door and down the stairs. I rushed to the kitchen to find Helena. I found her slaving over the hearth. She smiled when she saw me but quickly looked concerned when she saw the panic on my face.

"What's wrong, dear," She asked.

"Have you seen Jasper this morning," I asked.

"He came by very early this morning with Sten. He said they needed to head out for something important. Did he not tell you?"

"No," I said, feeling embarrassed, hurt, and worried for him. "Why would he go out in his condition?"

"You know how he is. He is a very determined orc. He can't stay still for long; he's always working. I'm sure he's alright, dear. He was in bed for weeks. He'll be alright."

I gave her a weak smile and went back up to his room. I paced back and forth through the room throughout the day. I found a few distractions to pass the time but stayed worried. It had been nearly three months, if not more, that I went without seeing him. I thought he was dead for close to a week, and just as he is well after being bedridden, he ups and disappears without saying a word to me in his condition. Did he regret the night before? My cheeks burn, thinking I disappointed him in some way.

Eventually, I flopped down on the edge of the bed, held my knees close to my chest, and watched the colors of the sky change from blue to hues of orange and pink. I began to cry as I was overwhelmed with worry. Just then, I heard some commotion out in the hall. The door burst open, and a large, pitch-black creature barreled through the room right at me.

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