Chapter 19 - The Shade of Red

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Sten Ironwarg

I held Aurelia close to me, caressing her round pregnant belly. I felt our baby kick from inside her. I could not wait for tomorrow. I had been working on a gift for her. I have always been a bit of a craftsman. I was a skilled tracker and helped illustrate the current maps we use when patrolling. Ever since I knew she was pregnant; I had taken up woodworking. It took three months, but I had been learning how to make a wooden cradle for our first son. It was not easy by any means. I splintered countless pieces of wood, hammered my fingers, and even cut a chunk out of my thumb with an engraving tool, but I had finally finished it. I planned to surprise her with it tomorrow. I hoped she liked it.

That morning was like any other. I got up and kissed the top of her head before getting dressed and heading out to duty. Jasper had only been chief for two years and named me his second. Lately, he has been trying to mend our ties with the southern horde. Today, I was supposed to meet him and the elders and discuss approaches to address them. I made my way there and met Jasper before heading inside.

I listened to them go back and forth about different ideas. I was not much help. I'd never been quick on my feet in that sense. I am good with my hands and getting things done, but I am no diplomat. I listened to them go back and forth for some time. Just then, Helena burst into the war room. "Sten - It's – Aurelia," she said, trying to catch her breath. "Something is wrong. Come with me to the healer. She is already in the infirmary."

A chill ran up my spine. "What's happened!" I boomed.

"I don't know what has caused it. I went to check in on Aurelia this morning and found her. She is bleeding."

"How was she hurt?" My mind flew in a rage, ready to fuck somebody up.

"Sten-" Helena's face became all the more concerned. "She is bleeding from- the place between her legs. The baby is coming."

"No- it's too early. Aurelia can't be having him now. He'll die."

"Sten!" she yelled and took my face in her hands. "Listen to me! The healer is doing everything she can to help her. Get yourself to that infirmary. Aurelia needs you!" Helena demanded.

I went around her and ran as fast as I could. Panic rose inside me. Why has this happened? I could hear hurried footsteps behind me. I could only assume it was Helena and Jasper following behind. I bolted to the west wing on the first floor. I could hear her screaming before I made it into the room. Her guttural cry was full of fear. I stopped in the doorway and took in the scene before me. She was in a blood-soaked white chemise, down on all fours with her face buried into the mattress. I watched as her whole body tensed up as she let out another gut-wrenching scream.

Tears brimmed my eyes at the sight of her in such distress. Gods, please tell me this is a dream. I felt Helena grab my hand and drag me to the bedside. Jasper stayed out in the hall, probably to keep me from killing anybody if it came down to it. I watched as she balled her fists around bedding and writhed in pain. The healer stood at the end of the bed, examining her. "You need to push Aurelia. It's time," the healer insisted.

"I- can't," her voice strained into a growl. She wailed as tears and snot ran down her face. "I can't do it."

Without thinking, I climbed onto the bed and held her up against my chest. She grabbed onto my shoulders and bore down as another wave of pain washed over her. She buried her face in the crook of my neck to muffle her cries. The healer on the other side of us looked under her chemise once more. Her hand dove between Aurelia's legs, causing her to tense up again and whimper. "What in the bloody hell are you doing to her!" I growled.

"I am only checking to see if I can feel the baby. He's been in the same position for too long. She needs to push."

"I- can't," she sobbed hysterically.

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