Chapter 27 - Clairvoyance

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Brenna Blackwater

After talking to Paige, I walked to the kitchens in a daze. I struggled to process what had happened. Jasper had been loyal to me this entire time, and I doubted him every step of the way. I did not know what to think of Paige kissing me. I crossed the threshold between the Great Hall and the kitchen to find Helana.

She sat in a chair by the hearth and blotted her eyes with a cloth. "What is the matter?" I spoke.

"Brenna, I received word on Jasper," she said with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Helena?"

"Jasper and Sten have not returned to their post. No one has seen them in over a week. They are both missing."


The Next Morning

I stared at my reflection in the vanity. My body trembled, and my eyes were bloodshot. Again, I had not slept the night before for a newfound reason. I stayed up, pacing and worrying for Jasper. I was so desperate to find some miracle that could bring him home. I went to the library in the middle of the night to read about the orc religion.

As usual, I found no answers, only literature that refers to the fall from light. I was still confused about what that even meant. I thought I'd pray to their gods to ask for protection for both of them, but according to their books, their gods abandoned them; they no longer worshiped a deity. I didn't go to the kitchen today. I usually desired distraction, but I was too distraught. I had been so distrustful of Jasper. I denied him the chance to explain and pushed him away. I had denied my feelings for him. Now, I might never have the opportunity to be honest with him. I went to the falls and sat down at the edge of the water.

It was my first time back here since those two Elders took me. I ran my fingers across the ground, trying to feel his essence. I reminisced about the first time he brought me here. The grass was not as lush as it once was. The blades were dry and turning yellow from the midsummer's heat. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face into my dress. I would give anything for Jasper to be okay. After a while, I pulled myself back together and breathed out shakily. I wiped at my cheeks and forced myself on my feet. I felt like I did not deserve to be so troubled after all I had done.

I hiked up the skirt of my dress and waded into the water. I had been too afraid to spend time here alone after what had happened. However, I needed to find some substance of Jasper, anything to feel closer to him- a sign that he was okay. I watched as the fish darted away from me and sloshed in further than ever before. The ends of my dress became soaked, but I did not care anymore. I let down my skirt into the cool water. I was no longer that skittish girl, afraid of disapproval or etiquette. I had lived for myself during these months and now knew what I wanted. I wanted Jasper, but now it was too late.

I wadded around a bit and looked down at the dull river stones distorted by the small ripples in the water. I watched the movement of the water until something caught my eye. I saw a rock that stood out from the plain ones surrounding it. Colors of green, burnt umber and amber streaked its surface. I sucked in a breath of air and plunged my head below the rippled surface of the water. I felt around and grabbed a handful of small stones.

Once I resurfaced, I wiped my sopping hair from my face. I unfurled my fingers to inspect the contents in my palm. I carefully picked through the stones and plucked the one that had caught my eye to look at it closer. I slid my fingers across it. The river had made it smooth. Then it dawned on me; the stone I had found amongst all the others was a jasper. I wondered if it was a coincidence. It did seem ironic, but I had to let myself hope.

I pressed the cold stone to my lips and closed my eyes. At that moment, I decided to take it as a sign. A sign that Jasper would find his way home to his people and me. Given the chance, I wouldn't make the mistake of denying my feelings for him again. I wrapped my fist around it tightly and wadded back out of the water, dripping wet. People in the halls would likely think I am mad going back like this. Let them, I thought to myself.


Three Days Later

I lay in bed and pulled a fur around me to get comfortable. It was getting late, and I was exhausted. Jasper and Sten were still nowhere to be found, and I was worried sick. Are they dead? I hadn't been sleeping because of it. I pushed my hand under my pillow and pulled out the stone. I stored it there at night to keep it close by. I held it between my forefinger and thumb, feeling the smooth surface. It was the only comfort I had.

"Where are you, Jasper?" I whispered.

I closed my eyes tightly. They burned, and I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I didn't know until recently that it was possible to weep so much that one could run out of tears. I was startled by a light knock at the door. Who would be here this late? I thought. I stood up and pulled the fur around my body to cover what my chemise did not.

It was an unusual time for any servants to come. It had to be nearly midnight by now. I rushed over to the door and cracked it open hesitantly. It was Helena. She looked frazzled and was also in her bedroom clothing. She brushed a few silver hairs from her forehead and opened her mouth. She was urgent to speak to me. "Jasper, they found Jasper and Sten," she said breathlessly.

I froze. I wanted to feel relieved, but I could tell by Helena's mannerisms that something was wrong. "Is he- are they okay?" I nearly shouted at her.

"I don't know, dear. A servant girl told me they just got back. The both of them are in the infirmary now."

"Can we go to them?" I pleaded.

She paused. "There's no telling what condition Jasper is in, but it wouldn't hurt to try." I didn't think to cover up any better than I already was. My spirit was aching to just lay eyes on him. To see that he was alive, to know if he was okay. I held fur around me for some decency and took Helena's arm. She was trembling just as much as I was. "Brenna. I want to warn you. I have never known Jasper to come home and not see me first. I fear that something is very wrong."

I nodded and allowed her to lead the way. During my time with her, I learned she loved many of the orcs as if they were her own children. Especially Jasper. She had practically raised him. She had been worried sick as well. We hurried down the corridor to the stairs. I've only been to the healer once. I couldn't remember where it was. I only knew it was in the first story of the castle. As it turns out, the infirmary was in the West Wing. It didn't take up the entire first story. It was based mainly near the northern walls of the wing.

The southern wall is a part of the mountainside, so there weren't many south-facing windows. Since the infirmary had a wall facing the north side, there was window upon window down the wall. Under each window was an identical bed on iron frames and done up with white linens. Helena and I stopped at the door and scanned the room. It was dark. The only light came from a few lit candles on bedside tables and a large hearth at the far end of the ward.

Once I laid eyes on him, I couldn't stop myself. It was second nature to me. I let go of Helena's arm and nearly ran to him. He lay shirtless on one of the beds. He looked odd in the bed because it was almost too small for his large body. His eyes were closed, and his face contorted in discomfort. He was being tended to by the healer. She was mixing up some concoction. When I got over to him, I stopped a few feet away.

"Jasper?" I said softly.

"He's not awake right now, my lady. He's wounded badly. You both should come back in the morning."

I studied his face, wanting to make sure it was really him. Sweat glinted off his strained forehead. "Could we please sit with him for a while?" I begged. "We've been so worried." The healer sighed and gave in; I quickly pulled a chair beside Jasper. I couldn't wait another moment; I leaned over and gently kissed him. His thick lashes fluttered against his dirt-stained cheekbones.

I sat to observe him. He barely opened his eyes and looked at me for a few seconds. "Hey, little warrior," he managed to speak in a soft husky tone. The corner of his lip curved into a weak smile before he was gone again. I wasn't going to leave his side. I held onto his hand and laid my head on the edge of the bed. After some time, I closed my eyes. I might actually sleep tonight.

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