Chapter 25 - The Song of Paige

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Brenna Blackwater

I traversed the endless corridors to Paige's room without seeing another soul. I presumed most had yet to start their day. The closer I got to the door, the weaker my knees grew. Could I confront this woman? I tried to steady my breathing as my heart pounded. My arm felt heavy when I tried to lift my closed fist to the door. It was not unlike any of the others in the castle. I hesitated and dropped my arm to my side.

I shook my head and reminded myself I was only bringing her tea. I needed to toughen up and knock. If the subject came up, I would get my answer. The door was thick and made of dark wood, treated with something to preserve its integrity. The timber had a slight sheen to it. I could only guess they used tar to treat it. I exhaled and lifted my closed fist to the door once again. Woman up, Brenna, I reminded myself. I cannot live my life avoiding her.

My fist clenched so tight that my knuckles appeared to be white. Finally, my skin met the wood. I tapped three times and waited for a response. My heart began pounding so hard. All I could concentrate on was the sound beating in my ears. After what seemed like a decade, a voice broke the silence. "Come in," the voice called to me.

I had not spoken to Paige before; I was unsure what her voice sounded like until now. It was everything I imagined. It was smooth and sultry. I had only heard two words from her so far. Her voice made her all the more hypnotic. I could only compare it to that of a nymph's dulcet tones. My legs froze in place. I gulped for air and forced them to move forward. I pushed the door open and stepped inside. A gush of hot air encircled me. The fireplace crackled with flames. The smell of spices filled the room.

Paige sat across from me at a vanity. She had not dressed yet and was still in her nightgown. The sheer garnet fabric is unlike anything I had ever seen. The neckline plunged below her sternum and fit to the small of her waist. Two slits adorned the skirt of the gown. They started at the bottom and stretched to the top of her hip. Her silky legs peaked out of the slits revealing her pearlescent browned skin.

The back of her dress was open down to the base of her spine and had a few lacey straps crisscrossing her shoulders. The fabric was so thin I could see her undergarments or lack thereof. She wasn't wearing a bra. I could make out the features of her teardrop-shaped breasts through the gown.

She watched me through the mirror as she used a large comb to pick out her thick, textured hair. I could see why Jasper, and any orc or human alike, would be infatuated with her. She is absolutely enchanting. I had been so afraid to knock on her door that I had forgotten what I had come for. I stammered at first, trying to force the words from my mouth, "Good morning, I am Bre-"

Paige stopped me before I could continue, "Spare me the pleasantries. I know who you are. What do you need, Brenna?"

I was shocked by her forwardness. She did not seem to mean it rudely. She had this playful gleam in her eye as she kept watching me through the mirror. I looked down, trying to think of what to say next. I saw the cup in my hand and remembered my plan. Without thinking, I took a few steps forward; Paige's expression changed slightly. I was having a hard time reading what she was thinking.

"Oh. I. Helena asked me to bring this up to help with your stomach," I stammered. I held the cup out toward her. I did not notice until now, but I was shaking. My trembling caused the cup to chatter against the saucer.

She eyed me skeptically. "Has it been poisoned?" She said as the corner of her lip curled into a tiny smile.

"Oh! God's no," I squeaked. I could feel myself sweating.

She giggled softly to herself. Her reaction confused me. She seemed to be entertained by my awkwardness. "I had to ask. You seem- nervous." She stood up and glided toward me. The skirt of her nightgown flowed as she stepped forward gracefully. She took the cup from my trembling hands. She looked me over like she was trying to read me as well. She smelled the mixture in the teacup before pressing her lips against the cup to take a sip. She cocked her head to one side and closed her eyes. I could only assume she was taking in the flavor of the drink. She opened her eyes to look at me again. She had a peculiar expression on her face. "So, what is that you want?"

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