Jason's birthday pt 1

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Jason pov-
My family, adoptive family, knows when my birthday is.

August 16th.

And they knew I didn't like celebrating it, because I hated people making me the center of attention. I couldn't stand it.

But, they didn't know why I hated my birthday, and they didn't know that I have never got a gift on the day, nor celebrated it like most kids would.

I had once, when I was living with my biological family as a little kid, but it had turned out bad and everything had gone wrong that day.

I hated August 16th because my mother committed suicide by overdosing with drugs, and it was the day my dad had become extremely abusive, more than he had when I was growing up. Mom died when I was 4, and had had a normal birthday with just the two of them, and everything had been fine-

Until my dad had come home drunk. My dad had been working for Two-Face back then, and he always came home drunk and angry. As any mother would, Catherine would always do her best to protect me from my dad, but it was never any good because he would beat her just to get to me, and it had been why I was always afraid of him.

Anyway, mom committed suicide because she had found out that he was cheating on her with another woman, and that she had been tired of dealing with Willis, so she left, after apologizing to me and telling me it wasn't my fault, even though I knew it was. She wasn't able to properly take care of me, and because of that I had stepped up and tried to take care of her the best I could, but in the end it was pointless.

Willis had come home that night and almost killed me because he blamed me for her death, and from that day on I've hated my birthday. It sent me into a depression, gave me nightmares that had me screaming, and I didn't eat for the entire entire month almost, and drank a lot more beer and smoked a lot more cigarettes than I normally did, and I stayed away from the Wayne family unless I was fighting a villain that they needed help with.

But, this year was a lot worse than all of the previous years because I was staring at the TV in the living room in horror, not seeing my family behind me.

The news on the TV was playing, and normally I would ignore it, but I had been in the kitchen about to grab a beer when I heard my dad's name, Willis Todd.

My dad was being released from prison in an hour, and a video of him was playing. He was being interviewed by a reporter, and I was having a slight panic attack at the sight of him. I was breathing quickly and was being overwhelmed with emotions, and I was frozen in fear.

"Yes, I have made a lot of mistakes in the past, my son suffering because of them. But, during my time in prison, I realized what I had done was wrong, and I'm now a completely changed man." He was saying with a calm look on his face. I didn't realize I was trembling as I stood a few feet away from the huge screen.

The reporter gave him another question. "Mr. Todd, you mentioned that you had a son. What is his name, and how old is he today?" She asked. I stopped breathing. "No... don't say it..." I whispered, silently pleading that I was dreaming.

Willis smiled, but I could see the disgust and hatred shining in his eyes that no one who didn't know him would be able to see was there. "His name is Jason. Jason Peter Todd. Today is his birthday, and he turns 20 today." He said with a fake happy tone. I could feel his anger from here, and I saw his face slightly darken when he said my name.

The glass bottle of beer I had in my hand slipped and shattered to the wood floor, and I spun around and sprinted out of the manor, shoving past my family with tears in my eyes and leaving the door wide open as I ran down the long driveway and into the city, running straight for the alley I had grown up in from when I was 7 until Bruce adopted me at 12.

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