I Need You

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Tim pov-
I wasn't going to lie to myself anymore, because there was no point.

I was depressed and lonely, and the reason was because I missed my older brother, Red Hood, also known as Jason Todd.

The crime boss lived in Bludhaven, an hour away, but occasionally came to Gotham to deal with Black Mask, Crime Alley, and he helped me with whatever I asked of him.

Never did I go on missions or night patrols alone. Jay was always with me at night because of a narrowly close call I'd had with Joker. I had almost gotten kidnapped by the madman, but Jay had dropped in just in time and beat the living shit out of the clown and his goons, then took me to grab dinner before returning me to the manor several hours later after roaming around the city and letting me help him with Crime Alley.

The kids there loved him, and he told me that while he was gone in Blud, that he trusted me to protect Crime Alley for him, who to protect and trust, who belonged and who didn't, and everything about the place.

Now the kids there loved me too.

You see, Jay is the black sheep of the Wayne family, the outcasted one, and the lone wolf of all of us, and it was because of Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, our adoptive and in Damian's case, biological father.

But to me, Jason was my favorite sibling out of my brothers and sisters. He was different than them, he always tried to do the right thing, and even though the family outcasted him, he was still loyal and protective of the family, but he hated Bruce and I was the o oh one that knew why, apart from Alfred, though he knew everything.

Anyway, Bruce had found out that I had been sneaking out of the manor to go visit Jason, and he had forbidden me to keep it up. Him and I had had a huge fight over it in the batcave, me on Jason's side and Bruce against him, I had lost my shit and started screaming at him for all of the shit he put my big brother through and I hadn't regretted a single word that was flying out of my mouth.

I was cussing Bruce out and letting all my anger out on him, and I had been jerked to a sudden stop when my adoptive father had slapped me as hard as he could across my face, and I had felt blood running down it because he was still in his Batman suit and his gloves were sharp.

I was instantly brought back into the past with my abusive biological father, and I stared at Bruce with a deep fear that I hadn't felt for a very long time.

"Get out of my house, and don't come back." He said coldly.

Then I ran.

Call me a coward, but I didn't know what else to do.

Tears were streaming down my face and mixing with the blood and gash that was on my cheek, and I was still in my Red Robin suit.

I didn't care though.

My siblings and Alfred were all going to the kitchen, and I was crying as I sprinted through the manor, and I shoved past them as I ripped open the front door and slammed it behind me and ran down the driveway and into the city as fast as I could, not listening to my siblings -Dick, Stephanie and Duke- shouting my name, and I ran harder, desperate to get away from the Wayne family.

Once I was in the middle of the city, I climbed up onto a roof and started roof jumping for Wayne Enterprises roof, praying to every god in the world that Jason would be there.

I arrived to the roof, but I saw no sight of the crime boss anywhere. I was heartbroken, and I needed my big brother before I flung myself off of this roof and left my grappling guns on the rooftop.

My body started putting me into a panic attack and my mind was playing memories of Jack Drake abusing me as a little kid. Yea, I was traumatized of him.

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