Brothers dont need to be blood

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Jason pov-
I calmly sat on the ledge of Wayne Enterprises roof, a bag of fast food and a drink next to me, ignoring the pain I was in from the ambush I'd gotten from my football team.

I reached for the bag that contained two burgers and a large fries, and the smell made my mouth water and stomach grumble. This was the first meal I'd had in almost two weeks, and I was really skinny, though my muscles somewhat made up for hiding it from my older brother and my little brothers.

Why wasn't I eating? Because I was insecure and depressed, and because I almost never had time to eat because I was always patrolling or at school.

My adoptive family didn't know about my problems, that I was being bullied and abused by the entire school, or that I was suicidal and cutting. I was the best member of my family that could hide and lie flawlessly, and not even Damian could tell if I was lying.

Anyway, I picked up the burger and unwrapped it, and I raised it up to my mouth to bite into the deliciousness when my phone started blowing up with messages.

That told me that my main bully group hacked into my phone and leaked the number to the whole school. Sighing, I put the untouched burger down and looked at my phone, reading all of the messages that were making my insecurities worse and worse, and them telling me to kill myself, and that my family didn't want me anymore and hated me.

I ignored them like usual, but put my food back in the bag and used my lighter to light it on fire, and I left the roof in tears and went back to the manor, where my family was having dinner, and I went past the dining room, silently crying, but I froze when Bruce called me to the room, a few feet away from the doorway.

Wiping the tears away and trying to hide the fact that I'd been crying, I pulled my hat down low over my face to hide my black eye and looked at the ground before slowly returning to the doorway, not looking at anyone.

I could feel their suspicion. "Jason, come join us for dinner," Bruce said, and I almost obeyed.


"I'm not hungry, Bruce. I just got some fast food with the boys," I smoothly lied, talking about the boys on the school football team, since I'd had practice today. I was sore all over, and I was tired. I just wanted to go to my room and sleep, but I had to get past my family first.

My ribs were on fire, and my arm, chest, and shoulders hurt, and my leather jacket was zipped up to hide the bruises on my neck from being strangled till I passed out earlier.

This time Dick spoke. "Well, why don't you come sit with us then? We hardly see you anymore, Kid." He said, and I heard the suspicion lacing his voice. I had to be careful with my next words.

My backpack was killing my shoulders. "I can't," I said honestly, dreading the huge amount of homework I had from my entire class that I'd been forced by my classmates and the teacher to do. He said that if it wasn't done and perfect by tomorrow morning, then I was going to get detention for a week and I was going to get the closet.

I tried not to shudder at the thought of the closet in the class. That closet was were I was getting sexually assaulted and abused, and I would die before I told my family about it. "Why not?" My older brother asked slowly, and I flinched at his tone. "I have a lot of homework to do before tomorrow, and a math exam to study for." I said honestly.

I paled when I heard a chair move, and Dick came to stand in front of me. "No, tell me what's going on, Jay. Look at me," he said, putting a hand on my injured shoulder. Tears of pain streamed down my face, and I bit back a pained cry, but I still didn't look at him. "Richard, p-please... I'm going to get in trouble if I don't get my homework done. Please," I whispered, my body slightly trembling, but my hand shaking.

I was trying extremely hard not to break down, and it was barely working. "I won't be long, I promise. Richard, please, let me go." I begged, not realizing that that was where I made my mistake.

I didn't beg for anything, and I only called Dick 'Richard' when something was wrong with me and I hadn't noticed that I called him Richard twice.

Dick slightly tightened his grip on my shoulder, and I whimpered in pain, trying to keep it in, but he apparently heard it, because he took my hat off and made me look at him. "Jason, what happened? Who did this to you?" He asked.

More tears streamed down my face as I started crying, moving my head back down to face the floor again, and my bag dropped of my shoulder and hit the floor as I leaned forward and let Dick hug me as I completely broke down into his chest. He hugged me a little too tightly, because I cried out in pain and held my rib cage, and he looked me in the eye before unzipping my jacket, revealing my bruised throat, and I stood there crying as my beloved older brother grabbed scissors and cut my shirt open, and I let him, and he gasped when he saw my scarred, bruised, badly wounded and bleeding torso.

"Jesus Christ, Jay, what the fucking hell happened to you?! Alfred, grab me the med kit and things for stitches!" He said, picking me up and sitting me on the dining room table, then took my jacket and shirt off. My family looked shocked, and I looked down and was crying in embarrassment and shame.

My dad looked upset, and Tim and Damian looked horrified, though Damian looked murderous. Tim started crying when he saw my scarred wrists from my cutting, and Damian rifled through my bag and found my bloody knife. As Alfred cleaned my wounds and stitched and bandaged me up, I gave i to my emotions and pain and told my family everything about what was happening to me in school, my problems and insecurities and depression, and I gave Dick my phone as I cried harder when my phone started blowing up again, and Bruce pulled me into a hug when Alfred finished, and my brothers joined in and said soothing and encouraging words to me and I was leaning into all of the positive affection I was getting, enjoying how good it felt to be loved and cared about, and I slowly cried myself out and fell asleep in the middle of the love and affection circle, leaning on someone or someones.
Dick pov-
I had brought Jason to my room, carrying him bridal style, so that he wouldn't be anywhere near any of his cutting stuff in his room or in the room period, and the sniffling boy in my arms refused to meet my gaze as I got to my room and sat him on my bed and got out a Nightwing hoodie and matching sweatpants and helped him change into them.

He kept flinching under my hands, and as hurt as I felt by it, I didn't blame him. Tim and Damian had left the manor on what I knew was a brothers out for blood streak, and I was pissed that Bruce let them go and not me, but I was going to go when my littler brothers got back and go after the ones that they didn't get because we made a deal that they'd get the students, and I'd get the ones that were going after Jason the most and sexually hurting him, and the staff. We were out for blood, and not even Bruce could stop us from what we were going to do to Gotham Academy.

I was talking to Jason as I was looking for something, and when he didn't answer me for a few minutes, I turned from my closet and saw the little kid deeply asleep and curled up with Titus and Kitty Alfred, and I smiled and took a photo, then changed into my pajamas and turned off my bedroom light and climbed into bed next to him and cuddled my broken little brother, and he subconsciously curled into me and I pulled him closer and wrapped my protective arms around him, and the kid seemed to melt into me as I massaged his curly raven and white streaked hair, and I swear I thought I heard him make a noise that sounded like a purr.

Smiling, I pulled the blankets over us and drifted off to sleep, spooning my little brother and cuddling the kid to make him feel better, and I kissed his forehead.

A couple of hours later, I snapped awake when I heard my door open slowly, and I saw two figures come in and come to my bed. Tim crawled up under the blankets to come cuddle with us, and Damian followed once he got comfy, and once my two littler brothers got settled, I slightly shifted to put my arms around them, as they had their arms around Jason, and I kissed their foreheads as the two went to sleep curled into their older brother, and I went back to sleep, vowing to never let anything hurt Jason ever again.

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