Lazarus Love part 1- Dick

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Jason did not get along with the Batfamily of Gotham, and he understood why. He'd tried to kill several of them, and broke the rules Batman had for the lot of them, and because of how he was, Jason was the outcast, looked down on, avoided, neglected, abused, and a lot more by all of them, Bruce, Dick, Stephanie, and Babs. Tim wasn't allowed anywhere near him for very good reasons, Duke was too scared of him to want to be near him, and Damian, Jason's baby brother, was forbidden from having anything to do with him, even though Talia had specifically told Jason to look after him for her and make sure that the kid was safe.

Jason was, after all, Damian's favorite brother and his first brother. It also helped that Talia had adopted Jason when she took him to Nanda Parbat, making the anti-hero Jason Peter Al-Ghul Todd. Not that anyone outside the League of Assassins would have known or cared to. The only ones who did was Roy and Kori, his boyfriend and big sister figure. Because Jason was now part of the family, Jason was now the Demons heir and next in line to rule the LoA after Talia, and Damian after Jason.

Jason knew that Damian wasn't allowed to see him, and Jason still looked out for him from a distance enough that even the Batclan couldn't come for him about, so imagine his surprise when he saw the brat running towards him in his Robin suit, covered in wounds and blood, mask half gone and face pale and panicked. "Akhi! Akhi! Grayson is gone, they took him and I couldn't stop them!" He screeched, crashing into him, both unaware that the entire family was eavesdropping on them through comms and Babs watching through cameras.

Red Hood raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? Who the fuck hurt you, Dames?" He calmly asked, inspecting the younger for serious injuries and finding none, just cuts and bruises. Robin hiccuped. "I-I don't know, there were too many and they took him. I couldn't stop them, and nothing I did seemed to injure them. I even tried to behead one, and he was fine, I don't- I don't know who it was, Jason," he rambled, shaking.

The 19 year old got down on one knee. "Damian, I need you to breathe and calm down, baby bat. Do you remember what they looked like? Any details you can tell me?" He asked, hands on the kids shoulders. Damian sucked in a breath and nodded. "They had this weird bird mask, it looked a bit like an owl, and they didn't talk. The biggest one called Nightwing the Gray Son, or something, and knew who we were- Akhi? Akhi, your eyes are glowing, JayJay-" Jason stiffened, green tinting his vision. "Damian, go back to the batcave. Now. Do not follow me, do you understand? If anyone tells you otherwise, you tell them that The Red Hood said that no one is to leave the cave until I say so. And tell Batman to-to call Arkham and make them prepare a cell for me. Damian, please do as I say, this is important, my little prince." He said, standing and putting his helmet back on.

Damian paled. "What? No, you are not going to Arkham, Jason, you can't-" "Damian Al-Ghul, that is an order. I'm sorry, but I have to do this. Tell mom what happened, okay? I love you, don't you ever forget that. And please, do not blame yourself for this. I deserve to be punished for everything I've done, and it's long time I've returned to Joker, anyway. At least the Wayne's will be at peace, but, tell mom and Harper not to come for me. It's my choice." Jason said, giving his baby brother one last hug and hair ruffle before letting the Lazarus put take completely o we his senses and sprinting across the rooftops, leaving his baby brother behind.

Jason knew that none of the bats would try to go after the Court of Owls, because they were too dangerous. Hood was the only one capable of taking them down and still being alive afterwards.

He just hoped that he could get to Nightwing in time, before it was too late.
Hood arrived at the Court of Owls base, no ounce of Jason in his system, only the Lazarus pit. Everyone that had experienced this side of him, and somehow lived to tell the story, was afraid of him. Hell, everyone was afraid of the Red Hood when he WAS Jason, too, but they feared the pit more.

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