Lazarus Love- Barbra and Duke

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Two weeks after Jason blitzed and wiped out the Court of Owls in revenge for taking his older brother, Jason found himself running across the rooftops of Crime Alley as Red Hood.

And it was working, until he fell through the old roof that he was running on. Hood let out a startled screech as he fell, and cried out when he hit the hard cement floor, the roof falling on top of him faster than he could move to protect himself.

He hadn't had time to see Barbra and Duke tied up in the corner, watching in shock and confusion. Dazed and slowly snapping out of his trance, Jason groaned and shoved everything off of him, feeling bruises forming already and almost hearing Batman lecturing him about property damage. Hood shakily got to his feet, pain blossoming all over him, and he swayed from nausea and knew he had a concussion, even through his helmet.

Not bothering to do an injury check, Red Hood started to stumble toward the window, covered in dust and blood and not seeing his surroundings. He hadn't even looked in his siblings direction.

Hey, Jason was exhausted. He hadn't slept for a solid week now, currently being overworked by Batman. Speaking of him, his comms crackled to life and his voice boomed in Jason's ear, making the young vigilante yelp and flinch back, not realizing that his instincts not working properly was going to cause a bigger problem for him that night.

"Hood. Where are you? You haven't killed anyone, right?" Batman asked coldly. Jason flinched and looked down. "N-no, sir, I-" he began, but was cut off. "Where are you?" The demand blasted through, hurting his ears. Red Hood shifted and cowered. "I-I... I'm out pat-trolling, Sir, I just... took a quick break." He carefully lied.

"YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE BREAKS! I didn't say you could stop, Hood, so get your ass back out there and keep patrolling like I told you to until I say you can stop. You're required to follow my orders. If you can't even do that, then I'll put you in Arkham where you belong, right next to Joker. Do you understand me?" Batman yelled at him. Jason shrunk in on himself and quietly whimpered and trembled in fear. "D-dad, please... I can't keep going, I-I need to rest. Please, Dad, give me a break-" he pleaded in a broken whisper.

His response to that was his systems hacked and getting electrocuted all over his body through his armor. Jason screamed and felt his body collapse when it was over, hitting the ground hard and a shaking mess, gasping for air and incapable of talking or really anything else. "Get. Back. To. Work." Batman snarled, and Jason choked on a sob as the comms died out.

Jason lay there crying and shaking, trying to force the aftereffects to wear off as fast as possible so that he didn't get electrocuted again. It apparently wasn't fast enough, because another wave flew through him, and an agonized and ear-piercing howl left his lips, his thin and already weak body writhing, unable to force the Lazarus Pit to help him, and he blacked out, his tech automatically shutting down and dying.

When Jason slowly woke back up, he was confused when he realized that he was dangling from cuffed chains around his wrists from the ceiling. All of his gear was stripped off of him and lying on a table a few feet away from him, and his body was numb from a drug he realized he'd been injected with.

Shit. Bruce was going to kill him if he didn't get out of this like, right fucking now. He could probably already be in his way right this second. Jason didn't know how long he was out for, but he knew it was at least a few hours, due to it now being daylight outside.

Jason was now a dead man, and he didn't think he was going to be coming back this time.

Fear making him visibly tense and trying not to panic, Red Hood let out a shaky breath and forced the Pit to burn off the drugs. He still didn't sense his siblings in the room watching him as he used the chains to pull himself up to the ceiling, where he pulled the chains out of the metal beam and fell to the floor, landing on his feet. There moment his feet were on the ground, he stumbled for the table and began shoving his suit on at top speed, faster than humanly possible, his hands shaking and head frequently snapping toward the hole in the roof in fear. "Come on...come on....come ON," Jason said, finally forcing his jacket back on.

Hood grabbed his helmet and started rushing for the hole in the roof, about to make his escape, when the door was thrown open. Jason has never whipped around faster in his life, and his two siblings have never seen such terror and fear on the crime lord's face. Two goons entered the room, and Jason finally noticed Barbra and Duke in the corner where he had been. His eyes looked from them to the goons, and his entire posture and body language changed, morphing into something angry and protective.

Duke was too shocked at watching what happened earlier to look afraid like he normally would have been, and Barbra was suspicious and slowly putting things together. Jason glared at the two goons. "You two okay?" he coldly asked his brother and sister, and Duke winced when he nodded. "Babs needs stitches for a gash on her hip, a broken rib, has a few bruises, and 3 of her fingers are broken. I'm fine, I just have a broken arm and a few broken ribs, a lot of bruises and cuts. Oh, and both she and I's shoulders are dislocated." Duke reported. Jason bristled angrily.

"Both of you look away. Bruce won't get mad at you if you don't see anything." Jason said, then lunged for the goons, the Lazarus Pit blinding him.

When Jason woke up, he was marching into the cave with Barbra in his arms and Duke on his back, the boy having fallen asleep on the way back to the Batcave. Oracle was drifting off to sleep in her little brother's arms, her head against his bloodied armored chest. He ignored the other batfamily's stares on him as he silently went to the med bay and carefully put his siblings on beds, where Alfred quickly took over.

Red Hood was about to leave and go receive his punishment from Bruce when Barbra opened her eyes. "Jason?" she asked softly. Jason flinched at the sound of his name and slowly turned to face his older sister warily. "Jay, come here." she said, and Jason looked hesitant and reluctant, not to mention exhausted. He glanced over his shoulder and locked eyes with Bruce, and turned back to his sister.

Babs smiled at him as he eventually began to slowly make his way over to her like she'd asked. "Jason, relax. I just wanted to say thank you for rescuing Duke and I. And I will be talking about your suit problem later, but right now, I want you to get on this bed with me and go to fucking sleep, because you look like you're about to die on your feet if you even take another step. Take your suit off and hurry up, Bookworm." She kindly ordered.

Jason tensed. "I can't, I-I have to finish patrol, and report to Batman and make sure that I didn't kill anyone and then-" he said honestly, but Oracle wasn't having it. "Jason Peter Todd, you drop your suit and get in this bed and fucking SLEEP. You are not allowed to leave this bed until I say you can, do you hear me young man?" She sharply said. Jason flinched away from her and cowered, nodding his head. "Yes ma'am, 'm sorry," he whispered, obediently and reluctantly stripping his suit off, going back to the light Kevlar under the suit and his socks, and shakily climbing onto the bed like he was told to, still aware of his other sibling and Alfred and Bruce watching them through the windows.

Barbra made him lay down next to her, and he flinched when she put an arm around him, and his body refused to relax as he felt sleep trying to force him to sleep. Slowly, cautiously he nuzzled his head into his sister's neck, carefully avoiding anything, and shakily pressed himself against her. When she carded her slender and not injured hand through his raven and white hair, Jason let out an involuntary moan and instinctively cuddled into her side, shuddering and hugging her firmly, his eyes instantly closing and body relaxing against her. His breathing drastically slowed and got heavy at her touch, and sleep finally washed over him, pulling him under and into the peaceful darkness, knowing that his big sister would protect him from anything and everything.

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