Stop It.

415 4 25

Knife lied on his bed, full of regret from opening that door. It was getting late and he was tired, so he fell asleep.

----------Timeskip to morning.---------

Trophy had snuck into knifes room while knife was asleep. Knife had snuggled with his doll, but Trophy didn't care, for that moment he decided to crawl into his arms and fall back asleep.

Knife woke up, yawning and stretching before his arm hit Trophy. In a panic he quickly sat up and slapped trophy. "DUDE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED." Trophy yawned and groaned as he rubbed his now red cheek. "Jeez dude why are you so mad.." He muttered, still half asleep. " "LOOK I DON'T CARE WHATEVER KINKS OR FETISH OR WHATEVER BULLSHIT YOU HAVE, YOU'RE NOT GETTING ON MY "GOOD SIDE, ESPECIALLY NOT LIKE THIS." Knife shouted as he grabbed one of Trophy's handles and dragged him out of the room, only to see paintbrush and lightbulb peering out of the room across by them. He threw out trophy and slammed his door closed, quickly locking it as well.

Knife's phone started blowing up with notifications from the group chat.
---Knifes Phone, The Group chat:----

~ Hotel OJ Rocks!~
Cheester: Yo Trophs, you okay?
Trophy Is The Best: Yeah Yeah im fine
~Painty~: Jeez we just watched him do that, what a dickhead.
Bulb Of Light: Yeah, i feel bad to be honest ☹️
Oj: I woke up from knifes yelling, I want to kick him out
Trophy Is The Best: Don't.
Oj: Why not? he's been a dick the past 2 days!
Trophy Is The Best: Just trust me, i know what I'm doing.
Bulb Of Light: Oooo does somebody have a crushhhhhhhhh👀👀👀👀🤭🤭🤭🤭
~Painty~: well duh, he didnt go sneaking in for cuddles for no reason.

----end of groupchat.-----

Knife turned off his phone. He had enough shit for one morning. He pulled out a protein bar out of his dresser and started chewing on it. All he wanted was to be by himself. Not have some jackass Jock stalk him.

-Trophys view.-

Trophy sat on his bed, he looked at the picture of knife he had been drooling and moaning at. He sighed a sigh of sadness. He pulled out a sheet of paper and started writing dowm a letter he would soon give to knife.
"Dear knife, it's trophy. Im sorry about earlier. I wanted snuggles and uh, i didn't think it through. I should've asked before doing it. I hope you except my apology.
                    ---love --- From, Trophy."

The word"love" was scribbled out in fear of knife getting mad again. He figured he'd slip the note under knifes door, and go back to being his usual, rude self.

-Knifes view-

A note slipped under his door. It was written in neat, but sloppy handwriting. He skimmed through the note before tearing it into peices and throwing it away. "Why wont he leave me alone." He grumbled as he sat upon his bed.

Forget It.. (A Knife And Trophy Fic)Where stories live. Discover now