Leave Me Alone.

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Morning came. The sun began to rise above the horizon, slowly making its way higher and higher. Knife blinked, slowly waking up because of the bright sun. He snuggled into the blanket before pausing and realizing....he had a blanket? He questioned where the hell a blanket came from before he realized... Trophy. He growled in anger, knowing he dislikes Trophy being near him...but at the same time, it was nice of him to bring him a blanket on a chilly night like last night. He had noticed the backpack of waters and snacks beside him aswell. He appreciated it, even though he thought he didnt need it much.

Knife sat up, looking around him, seeing no trace of Trophy anywhere, wondering when the hell he brought everything to him. Knife sighed, pulling a water from the backpack and taking a sip from it. He wasnt sure what to do from here...how did Trophy know where he was..and why would he care about him? After all hes just been an ass towards him no matter the scenario.

-Trophys View-
Trophy looked out his window, hoping Knife was okay, and that everything he left for him was still there, safe and unharmed, hoping Knife himself was safe and unharmed. He wasn't very sure why he caught feelings for him, or in the same matter, how so..but..he likes him. He sighed and looked out the window, leaning on the window sill, hoping to see Knife at some point today. He took a bite out of a half eaten brownie that was on his side dresser from the night before, and swallowed it.

He gazed at Knife as he stood up and began to walk off. Trophy got concerned for Knife as he began to walk off, completely out of his vision.

-Knife's View-
He stood up and grabbed his things, shoving everything into the bag that Trophy left for him. He threw the backpack over his shoulders and started walking off, hoping if he goes far enough, nobody could find him, and he could stay alone forever, maybe even get enough privacy to kill himself. He scurried away into the forest-y place. As he walked further and further into the place, it began getting darker, and having more of an eerie tone to it. There were sounds that sounded like murmuring all around. He felt a little scared, but he wasn't gonna admit that to himself. He gripped the strap of the backpack and continued onwards. He didn't care if anybody cared about him, or if anybody wanted to find him or have him back. He wanted to be away. He wanted to leave. So he did so, as he continued on into the mysterious forest.


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