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After Corey explained that he got a ride from a coworker, I yelled at him for punching Jaxon Gray. I mean, seriously, who randomly punches people? Everyone in town already thinks we're psychopaths. Way to make it worse, Cor. He didn't exactly care what I had to say, he just shrugged me off and walked away—the crowd parting for him. I told him to find JJ and to meet me in the car down the road. Corey is usually the most mature of us all, but when Jaxon Gray is involved, that maturity clearly flies out of the window. I don't understand why he gets like that, but obviously Jaxon's disappearing act last year didn't have any effect on their feud. The hostility is still fresh in the air.

When I start heading back to the car, I find Jaxon getting in the black mustang. Of course, he owns a nice car like that. Just like everyone else in town. My split decision has me calling out to him. "Wait!"

He pauses with one hand on the door, the other on the roof of his car. All I know about Jaxon Gray is that he's mad all the time, he's supposed to be in Canada, and his brother died a couple years back. So really, I don't know much. If it's not evident already, we don't exactly speak to each other.

"I'm sorry about my brother." I quickly run to his defense even though the idiot is punching people for the fun of it. "He's just stressed. You know how it is."



"What could Stone possibly be stressing about?" His brown eyes are dark, and he doesn't sound happy to be talking to me. I don't think we've ever had an actual conversation before—aside from that one time I dropped my notebook in the hallway my freshmen year. Jaxon saw and didn't pick it up, actually he went out of his way not to. I sarcastically muttered a "thanks" and he replied with a cold "you're welcome" with the same amount of sarcasm I had. In my defense, I didn't think he heard my comment.

At least he matched my energy.

I blink back to the conversation at hand. "Isn't everyone stressed about something?"

"Not the normal ones." Consider me unnormal then. He cocks his head to the side, studying my eyes. "Why are you talking to me right now?"

"I had to apologize and make sure you won't call the cops or sue us or something."

"I won't sue you. He was the one being provoked by me. It's my fault."

The confession throws me off. I already knew that Jaxon started it, that's how it usually goes—it still doesn't give Corey the right to lay a hand on him. But why is Jaxon admitting that he was the problem? Does that mean he acts like a douchebag for the fun of it? If so, the guy needs a class on basic manners.

"That it? Or did you want something else?"

I shake my head, still unable to form a single word.

He smirks for no reason at all as he studies me. His brown hair is messy, but he doesn't reek of alcohol, although I'd expect him to after being at a party like this. He looks almost normal.

"Night." He sniffs.

"Goodnight," I reply and head back to my own car.

I have no opinion on Jaxon Gray, but I can't shake the feeling that his arrival is going to be very interesting in this uninteresting town.


When we get home, the lights in the house are off, Dad is probably sound asleep by now. The only light in the house is coming from Joseph's bedroom. I quietly knock and crack his door open, not waiting for an answer.


He's on his bed, headphones on, and his attention on the game. When I close the door and walk deeper in his room, he sucks in a gasp. I smile as he pauses the game and takes the headset off one ear.

"You scared me. Did you just get home?"

"Yeah, how long have you been here?"

He glances at the time. "Like half an hour."

I plop down next to him. "Well, you missed a lot. Jaxon Gray's back in town, and it only took Corey two seconds before he punched him in the face."

"Corey punched him?"

"It's Jaxon and Corey, what do you expect?" I glance at him. My brother and Jaxon haven't seen eye to eye in years. I think the last time they had a civil conversation was in third grade. "Did you have fun with Seb?"

"He's already talking about planning homecoming."

"We haven't even started school yet."

"It's Sebastian, what do you expect?" He repeats my words and I snort. Seb really is one to start getting things done as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Corey opens the door taking me out of my thoughts. His grey eyes find mine when he sticks his head in. "Dinners warmed up in my room." He walks out just as quickly as he came in.

Joseph smirks. "You think I should tell him I already ate?"

"Probably not." I laugh and we make our way to Corey's room. On his side table there are two plates. JJ's laying on her stomach on his bed already almost done, and he's at his desk scrolling on his phone. Joseph takes one and sits on the floor against the bed, I mirror his actions and sit against the wall.

"Why don't we ever eat in my room?" JJ yawns.

"Because no one can stand the smell of your room." Corey says, his eyes never leave his phone.

"Liar." She complains.

"No, he's right." I agree with Corey.

"At least spray something." Joseph suggests.

JJ finishes with her food and turns on her back. "I hate you guys." She mutters and we all laugh, even Corey smiles a bit.

This is another one of my distractions.

My favorite one.

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