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Life really sucks right now. I forgave Paxton and Julia because it was more bothersome to stay mad, but he's hanging out with people, and I really don't want to hang out with everyone. Not when I'm too busy moping around and looking for an excuse to talk to Luna.

Speaking of Luna, I'm driving around her neighborhood right now—only because I stumbled here and definitely not because I want to run into her on accident and beg her to forgive me.

Totally a coincidence.

My phone starts ringing and I pull over and answer it at first glance.

"Hey, Allis,"

My cousin's voice comes out small. "Hey,"

"Finally." I roll my eyes. "Every time I tried to call it went to voicemail. Where have you been? You disappeared for like a week."

"I lost my phone under my bed."

I knew it. "Again? Seriously?"

She laughs, but it's a tight sound. "Yeah, but anyway we really do have to talk."

"About? Are you okay?"

"Liam and I broke up."

"Really?" They've been together for years. I'm pretty sure they started going out in middle school—sixth grade. It's been five years. "Over what?"

Allison's silent for a moment before she says, "He cheated on me with Tessa."

"Tessa? He cheated on you with your best friend?" My eyebrows shoot up. I never liked them anyway. Liam was always too melodramatic for me, and Tessa was always jealous of Allison. "How are you doing with it all?"

"I'm fine," Allison replies and then proceeds to repeat it as if saying it enough will convince her too. "I'm fine."

"It's okay if you're not fine."

"But I am. Fine, I mean. I'm fine."

"You've said that."

She sighs. "Honestly, Jax, I just need to get out of here. They're everywhere—already holding hands and making out at school like they've been together forever. It's torture."

"Alright, well, go take a walk to clear your mind—"

"Canada." She clarifies. "I need to get out of Canada." I'm suddenly reminded of a certain phone call I made to her the night before I left home. Those exact words.

I just need to get out of here. I need to get out of Rose Thorn.

"You want to leave Canada?"

"I was planning to travel once I graduated. What's a couple years before?"

"Where do you think you're gonna go?" I snort. I never thought she'd actually travel when she brought the idea up a few months ago. She said she'd go after graduation, so I assumed she'd drop it by then. She's much more of a homebody than a travel body.

But now... now she's talking about her life. Her school. She can't just up and leave.

But you did, a voice reminds me.

"That's what I called for," she tells me. "I want to go to Rose Thorn Heights. Just until graduation when I can travel on my own or something."

It takes me a moment to absorb her words. "You want to come here?"

"Yes, Jaxon. Keep up. It's exactly what you did. Mom and Dad already agreed...reluctantly." She pauses. "Jaxon, I can't continue going to school like this. It's embarrassing. I can't do it. They're whispering and so many people are looking at me. Too many eyes. Too many voices."

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