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Luna doesn't look up at me. I walked all the way over here to see her so that kind of sucks.


That's what I get for being such an idiot. I don't know what is wrong with me and why I'm acting like a complete moron whenever the thought of Luna pops up.

The bell rings the moment I start heading to my own first period class, but I don't care. Tardiness isn't the worst thing crime in the world, nor will it affect me in any way, shape, or form.

Once I'm finally in my seat Julia gives me a look. "You're late."

"Really?" I ask dryly. "I didn't notice."

She starts to pull open her bag. "What's got you in a mood?"

"Nothing." My glasses are still sitting in her pink bag. "You haven't given those back yet?"

She follows my line of vision and sighs. "If you so badly want to give them back then"—she hands them to me— "have at it."

I can tell by the guilty expression clouding her eyes that she wanted to give them back but didn't know how. Julia's like that. She's not all bad.

Instead of pulling out a notebook for class, she gets out a nail filer and starts to file her nails. "Jaxon, you need to go to the dance." The topic change throws me off. "Please, I'm dying, and this is my last wish."


"Yes, literally." She nods quickly.


"Yes, I have a sickness."

I smirk. "Really? What type of sickness would that be?"

"Um," She thinks for a moment. "It's the syclimare disease. It means I'll die in a few months."

I know she's only kidding, her whole family is basically filled with doctors and Julia is beyond smart. She knows real medical terms, so the fact that she made that word up shows she's just playing around.

"I don't want to hang out with you anymore, especially since you're dying. I'd rather not be around for that." I shrug and she gasps.

"You're gonna leave me on my death bed?"



"Miss De León, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Mrs. Townsend asks.

"Go on," I tease. "Tell the class about your sickness and how you're dying."

Her voice is buttery sweet when she says, "I hate you."

"No, you want to hang out at homecoming, remember?"

She stands up. "Actually, I would like to share something with the class."

Townsend looks taken aback but motions to the students anyway. "Tell us,"

I briefly catch Corey's eyes. He sits in the farthest seat from me possible. I bet these idiots would move for him if he even stood near them while I have to go through the trouble of sitting in the front.

Julia's voice takes me out of my pity party. "Vote me for homecoming queen!" She waves a hand around and I let out a breathy laugh. Leave it to her to think of something on the spot.

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