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I almost want to laugh at how nervous this girl looks. Am I really that horrible to be around? First, she avoids me, and now she looks ready to—literally—kick me away. I can't be that bad. Seriously, she's looking at me like I'm carrying a dead body.

"Oh, girl scouts." She says a little loudly. And then narrows her eyes on me. I ignore her weirdness and notice the phone in her hand before snatching it away.


"Your phone seems to work fine. Did you not get my messages?"

She stares at me. "No."

"Weren't you all excited to help me on Monday, teacher?" I cock my head to the side.

"Teasing and excitement aren't the same thing." She tells me in a low voice. "Weren't you against it?"

"I can still be against it and be here at the same time." I remind her, but she only shakes her head. "Are you gonna let me in?"

She doesn't hesitate. "No. How do you know where I live? Or better question, where did you get my number?"

"I have ways. Why are you avoiding me?" As I say the words, a noise comes from behind her.

"Luna," Someone calls. Horror flashes through her eyes so quickly that it takes me off guard.

"I'll text you!" She quickly shuts the door in my face, and I start thinking I should break the door down. She looked a bit too scared of whoever that was.

Just another Stone mystery.

I spin around and start heading to my car. I swear, the Stone family is beyond weird. I take back what I said about Luna being normal. She's far from it.

On an equally complicated matter, I haven't been able to have a one on one with Coach. Today, Isaac said he was "too busy" to talk to me. I wanted to barge into Coach's office, but I know how edgy he gets in the beginning of the year. It's obvious that he's either avoiding me or waiting until I get someone to tutor me. Both are not the brightest options in my book.

Meanwhile, I've been trying to talk to Luna, but this girl is hardcore avoiding me. I know she is. And she's really good at it too. Every time she sees me, she goes in the opposite direction. At lunch, she stays attached to Corey—knowing very well that I'd rather jump off a cliff than walk up to him. She hasn't even answered any of my texts. She has me double texting like an idiot. I even went as far as to add her on social media, but I couldn't find her account. Pretty sure she doesn't have one. Because what else can life throw at me? A girl without a social media account who is pretty great at escaping me, apparently.

I had to go to the trouble of driving to her house to catch her off guard like a freaking stalker.

When I get back to my house, I open the door and my mom is standing right there. I almost throw my head back and groan. I wonder why nothing in my life ever goes the way I'd like it to.

"Where have you been?" She asks.

"I was only gone a few minutes." I reply locking the door behind me.

"Where have you been?" She repeats.

"Does it matter?"

"It matters when you haven't done your homework yet."

"I don't have homework, it's the first week of school."

She holds up a folder. "That's not what Ms. Jacobs said when she dropped this off."

I hate how my parents know everyone in town. It makes it difficult for me to get away with anything. I grab the folder from her hands and start heading upstairs without another word. I'm too tired to deal with her constant nagging. I don't understand why she thinks school isn't as important to me as it is to her. It's my life after all.

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