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"You really did make a mess," Luna teases once we finish cleaning. "But thankfully, you had me to help you."

Heat crawls up my ears in downright embarrassment. "Whatever."

She laughs and turns to head upstairs. "I'm gonna grab my stuff and I'll meet you down here, okay?"

I nod and pretend to mess with the dishwasher. I wasted our entire hour on cleaning. Once she's out of sight, I hit my head on the refrigerator. "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

A laugh startles me from behind. My dad stands there.

"What are you doing?" I blink.

He merely shrugs. "Checking on my kitchen. Your mother told me about your attempt at baking."

"It's clean." I say dryly and then start to walk past him.

He grabs my arm to stop me. "I remember trying to make your mom a cake for her birthday when we were dating. It was a disaster."

I roll my eyes. I couldn't care less about his life stories, nor do I appreciate him comparing Luna and I to him and Mom.

"Oh," Is all I say.

"Luna still here?"

I nod. "I'm about to take her home."

"Can't she stay for dinner?"

"Not this time. She has plans already." With me and not my crazy family.

"I ran into Coach at the store. You told me your football game on Friday got cancelled. Why didn't you mention it was back on?"

"Guess I forgot." I lie. I didn't forget and he knows it. It's just uncomfortable having them there every Friday. They don't miss a game.

"Have you been doing well? In football and school?"

"Yes." I groan. "Can I go now?"

"Quit that attitude of yours. I just want to make sure you aren't slacking off like usual, Jaxon." His voice is firm and full of anger that it makes me wish Connor would come running down those stairs to save me. I immediately hear footsteps and my breath catches. It can't be. Only when the person comes into view, I sigh. It's just Luna.

She notices my disappointment because she frowns and then looks at my dad. "Oh, hi, Mr. Gray."

He smiles at her. "Hey, kid. How've you been?"

"I've been good. You?"

"I'm good." He glances at me for a moment. "Has Jaxon been a pain?"

"No, he's a gentleman. He opens doors and everything." She answers quickly.

My dad raises his eyebrows. "I meant for studying, but that's...that's good to know."

Her face turns bright red, and she does that nose scrunch thing I love so much. I have to bite my lip to hide my smirk. Leave it to Luna to make me feel better with her awkwardness.

"Okay, we're leaving now." I suddenly say. "I'm staying the night at Paxton's. Don't wait up."

Apparently, Luna keeps my parents at bay because he doesn't say anything. He only watches me grab Luna's hand and drag her to the door.

"Bye, Mr. Gray!" Luna calls the second I open the front door.

"Bye, Luna." He answers back and I slam the door shut behind us.

She makes a face at me. "You're mean to him for no reason."

"I have my reasons." I mutter under my breath. She squeezes my hand that's still intertwined with hers.

How do I mention that my dad could care less about me, and that he kicked me—a kid—out? How do I say that all my issues lead back to the hole in my life where Connor used to be? How do I tell her that the only thing I want to do is make her mine?

I've been so quiet these past few days because I swear, if I look at her or talk to her too much, I'll accidentally blurt out that she's the most beautiful—no, beautiful doesn't even begin to describe her. I still don't have a word, but the second I do, I'll use it.

"Jaxon," She says softly. My name on her lips sounds like heaven, but I can't.

Not right now, I tell myself. It's not the right time. I have to figure stuff it and so does she. Plus...I don't think my ego could take another hit if she rejects me. I've never begged in my life, but this girl makes me do all sorts of things I've never done.

I let go of her hand and stomp over to my side of the car.

"Hey! Jaxon," Ugh, my name again. "Why won't you tell me why you're always so moody?" She follows me to the driver's side. My dad's car is next to mine, maybe I'll accidentally hit his passenger door.

"Just leave it alone,"—I breath out—"and get in."

I open my door, but she quickly shuts it. "Listen to me—"



"Stop saying my name!"

She stares at me. "What is going on in that head of yours?"

"Luna, get in the car."

"I will when you tell me what's happening—"

I quiet her with a kiss. Her mouth tastes better than I remember. I prepare myself to pull away in case she doesn't want this, but she doesn't move back. It takes her a minute to respond to the kiss and when she does...oh my. Her hand moves up in my hair and the other one grips my shirt as if I'll disappear. I let my hands trail her body, both land on her waist and I pull her closer to me. It's still not close enough. I turn her, and with my body I push her against the car door. Her back arches and I nearly lose it. Her body makes me dizzy, and I have to grip the top of the car to keep myself steady.

We only let go of each other when we need to breath. Her lips are swollen, and her face is flushed. She's perfect. Absolutely perfect. I let my hand fall down her body length trying to remember every curve of her, and she shivers under my touch.

"Say the word and I'll take you straight to my room and make you stay the night."

I can see her heartbeat through her thin shirt. "I think your parents would have objections. Or my family."

"Forget about everyone else. What do you want?"

For the first time she looks confused. It's as if she's never asked herself what she wants and only worried about what other people want. Sounds like her.

She thinks for a while and then she whispers, "I want you, Jaxon."

My stomach flips at her simple words and I kiss her again. Soft and slow. "I want you too."

She bites her bottom lip. "But I can't stay the night."

I roll my eyes playfully. Of course, she can't.

"I have a better idea." She grins.

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