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Mom walks out to the living room where Dad dragged me while he talked about work. He went on to tell me about how horrible I am for not choosing a career. I refrain from telling him that being in the FBI is actually something I'm interested in, and not just because T.V. makes it look cool. Looking up from the couch, I notice Mom's eyes are full of unshed tears. I immediately stand up.

"Where's Luna?" I don't know why my first thought was about Luna when my mom is the one looking like a wreck. But I know what she's capable of, how she hurts people. I thought she only saved that for me, but maybe Luna is the exception. I swear if she said one little thing to make Luna upset, I'm going to be beyond pissed.

"In the kitchen, she should be out any moment." Mom says, but I'm out of the living room before she finishes her sentence.

I almost run into Luna.

"Woah," She raises an eyebrow. I was right, she has the same unshed tears my mom does.

"What did my mom do?" I narrow my eyes.

Luna only frowns. "The dishes?"

"Then why do you look like your dog just died?"

She looks down for only a minute before shaking her head. "It's nothing like that."

I wait for her to continue, but when she doesn't, I fold my arms. "What's it like then? Unless you want me to go get my mom and ask her what she said to make you like this."

She grabs my arm and I'm brought back to when she held my hand at dinner. The small adrenaline rush that flowed through me was insane. I didn't think anyone had that power over me, but Luna Stone is not just anyone.

"I just have this...family member who's sick." She says and bites her lips. "Your mom reminds me of her. I was...missing her, I guess." She looks nervous and really anxious. Is that family member the reason she relies on distractions? Is it the you-know-who her brother texted her about? I want to ask so many questions, but I don't want to push.

"Unless that family member is an egocentric madwoman, I doubt they have anything in common." It's not a joke. I'm serious. But she gives me a small smile anyway.

"I think your mom is amazing despite what you say. You should try to fix your relationship with her." She starts to walk away but turns last second. "You'll regret it in the future if something happens to her."

I don't know whether to feel angry that Luna thinks she knows anything about my family or to feel grateful that she cares to try. Instead of sitting and contemplating how to react, I choose to recover as quickly as possible and follow her to where my parents are.

"Thank you for the meal." Her eyes go between them both, but they linger on my mom longer. I wonder what spell my mother cast on Luna to make her act this way. Honestly, I think I'd use it. She's looking at my mom like she's the best person on earth.

My mom gives her a warm smile. One that she so rarely shows me. "You're always welcome here. Remember to—"

Luna cuts her off with a laugh. "I'll tell Corey to come by whenever he has the chance."

I roll my eyes. I wish my mom would let this whole Corey Stone thing go. I don't know why she's so intent on bringing him up. I literally hate the guy. I really do wonder how someone so pathetic could be related to someone so amazing.

My mom pulls Luna in for a hug, and I resist the urge to break it apart. There is no need for my mom to be hugging Luna. But I do understand the feeling of not wanting to let her go. Just remembering how perfect her body feels against mine makes me lose my mind. Luna lets go of my mom and her eyes find mine for the briefest of moments. I wonder if she can read my thoughts. I hope not.

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