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The next day, I hop in Paxton's truck with a fat grin on my face. Liv's in the driver's seat for once and Isaac is in the back already. I don't even realize I'm smiling so wide until Paxton raises his eyebrows.

"What's all this then?" He asks in the world's worst British accent.

A scowl replaces my smile. "You sound horrible."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugs, his attempt at an accent still going strong. It's like an Australian, British, and southern accent all mixed together, and it does not sound good at all.

"Are you done?"

"Yeah, yeah," He laughs in his normal voice. "Why were you all Smiley Riley?"

"No reason." I slouch in the backseat. It's only because the most beautiful girl in the entire world decided to forgive me."Why aren't you driving?"

"Because I'm driving." Liv says, there's an edge to her voice that makes me sit up straight. She sounds upset, which is weird for Liv because she's usually always chill.

What's with her? I mouth to Isaac who's beside me.

He only shrugs and mouths back, Beats me.

"I can see you through the mirror." Liv growls, throwing a small hand sanitizer at us. It barely misses Isaac's head, and he shrieks like a ten-year-old girl. So much for that best wide receiver title. Coach Turner would have a stroke if he saw—and heard—his son.

"Why are you so moody today, Liv?" Paxton glances at her. "Oh, wait, is it your leak week?"

Her face turns red, and she grabs Paxton by the ear, all without taking her eyes off the road. "I am not on my period. Shut up before I throw you all out of the car. I want to ride in complete silence."

"But Li—" Paxton starts, and then she yanks his ear harder. "Ouch! Okay, fine!"

Liv lets him go and takes a long, deep breath until Paxton, the idiot, starts to play a video on his phone. On the highest volume.

"I said silence!" His sister yells.

Paxton mutters something about her being controlling but then he stuffs earbuds in his ear and leans against the window. Isaac and I exchange a look, but I end up following Paxton's lead and gazing out the window like it's my first time seeing grass.

"Liv is driving me crazy." Paxton yawns when we get out of the truck a few minutes later. "She's been upset since this morning. It's like she heard the worst news of her life or something."

The four of us make our way into church and once we get to our seats, Liv leaves us to find Juliana and Kalani. I end up sitting next to Isaac, and Paxton sits on the other side of him. We're a bit early so not many people are here yet.

Luna is though.

She texted me earlier telling me she was on her way here. I thought I glimpsed her outside, but Liv shoved me in, so I didn't get to confirm. I can't help my eyes from scanning the room like a child obsessed with a toy. I look like a complete moron...but I don't care.

Julia, Maddi, and Britney show up soon after we sit down. Britney squeezes between Isaac and Paxton—apparently, she and Isaac are together now. I didn't think Isaac liked anyone and I thought Britney had a weird thing for Paxton. Obviously, I'm not in the loop as much as I thought. Julia settles down next to Pax before I can call her over. I look at the empty seats beside me. I hope I don't get stuck sitting next to those random tourists that like to visit.

"After this, we can hang out." Britney says to Isaac in what's supposed to be a low voice, but I can clearly hear her.

"I was actually gonna hang out with a friend."

"What friend? Mason? Paxton? Jaxon? Another football player?"

I glance over to them when Britney says my name, but I end up looking away. Eavesdropping isn't the most attractive quality a person can have. Doesn't stop me though.

"None of them," He shrugs. "But I guess I can reschedule if you want."

Only because Luna's nowhere in sight do I watch Isaac take his phone out and text someone named dumb red. He tells them that he's hanging with Britney instead. The person responds with a quick, i don't care. i'm not in the mood anyway.

Wow, person must really hate him.

I don't see whatever he texts back because I'm already looking around the room again trying to find—

My stomach flips like an idiot when I see Luna. She walks between her brothers like they're her personal bodyguards. Sebastian is trailing behind them doing something with his sleeve. She notices whatever he's doing, laughs, and starts to help him.

I try to push the tiny burst of jealousy down, but it doesn't help when he grabs her shoulders and starts nudging her forward with a smile. When were Sebastian and Luna so friendly? Better question, why is everyone close to Luna all of a sudden? First Paxton, and now Sebastian?

I can't help the scoff that trickles from deep in my throat. Isaac glances at my noise. "What?"

"Nothing," I shake my head. I don't care what Luna does with other guys. She's not technically mine. Actually, forget technicalities, she literally is not mine. The thought makes me slump in my seat though, so I change the subject. "When did you and Britney get together?"

"We made it official last night. I called you, but you didn't answer." He raises an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

Oh, last night? I was just getting chocked by Corey Stone and then having his sister fuss over me. Would I be a masochist if I said I'd do it all over again just to have her hands on me?

I distantly hear whispering and fumbling and then I feel someone take a seat right next to me. The audacity of some people—

"Sorry," Luna whispers in my ear as discreetly as possible. Her breath on my ear makes me shiver and my heart almost bursts out of my chest. "They made me sit here."

I shrug and feign calmness. I can handle a whole hour next to her without doing anything, right? If not...then that's just disappointing on my half.

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