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"I thought you wanted me to give it to her?" Paxton raises a brow as he opens his locker. He's referring to Luna's bag. The one I gave to him yesterday to give to her because I'm almost positive she doesn't want to see me. She's avoided me all weekend long.

I can't figure out why and I said as much to Paxton when he asked what was going on yesterday at Ty's.

Maybe she thinks that the—the kiss was a mistake, I had said just as Julia sauntered over. I wasn't able to talk about it then, but I knew Paxton was even more curious. He nearly lost his mind when I told him about the kiss a few moments before.

"I did," I say now to a still curious Paxton.

"Then why are you here and asking for it back?"


"You still haven't spoken to her?" Paxton returns to his locker, stuffing various things in his bag. I just lean on the one beside his. On Luna's.

"Not since the last time you asked in the locker room this morning. I've been busy with, you know, homeroom and first period."

He gives me a look. "Don't be snippy with me just because you're not a good kisser."

"That's not why she's— Wait. Do you think that's why she's avoiding me?"

His eyes light with amusement. "It could have something to do with the fact that her dad caught you guys. Do you want to tell me how it happened again? That was hilarious and—oh come on, don't look at me like that. It's gonna be a story to tell the children in ten years."

"Will you just give me her bag?"

"So, you can have an excuse to talk to her? No way. I'm saving your reputation here. Trust me." He blows out a breath. "I can't believe it. I bet you double texted her too."

I don't respond.

He gasps. "Jaxon Gray, are you serious? You double texted her?"

I roll my eyes. "Shut up."

Paxton can read me pretty well because he lets out something between a snort and a cough. "You triple texted, didn't you? No wonder she doesn't want to answer, you clingy idiot."

"Your double texting rule is stupid."

"No, Jax, my rules are the reason I am where I am today. I know girls and what they want and don't want." He lifts a shoulder. "It just so happens that they don't want a double texter let alone a triple one. Do you need girl help? Come to the master and I'll give you the best advice."

I smack the back of his head. "Alright, cut your ego down a notch or two and just give me her bag."

"Oh, right, I really can't do that. I gave it to—Julia!" Paxton and I both spot her at the same exact time. He gave the bag to Julia? The one who hates Luna as much as I hate Corey? What a complete moron.

"Hey!" Julia throws her arms around Paxton and then around me. Maddi and Brit aren't with her, and I make a mental note to talk to Maddi today to remind her of our chat.

Yesterday, I brought up the chemistry project thing that she and Luna are doing. I asked her if she would invite Luna and as uncomfortable and suspicious as she was, she said she would as long as Julia doesn't find out. Which is fine by me.

"Hey, do you still have Luna's bag?" A risky question to ask, but I ask it anyway.

"Nope," She pops the "p" the way she usually does. "I gave it to her this morning."

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