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I don't know what I expected when I saw him storm out of the cafeteria, but it definitely wasn't this. He's sitting against the window and looks like a shell of Jaxon Gray.

My voice startles him, and his head swings to me. But when his eyes find mine, I find myself wanting to turn around and run away. Why'd I come? I can't handle this. I can barely handle my own pain.

But still, something draws me closer.

"Get out." He shakes his head. I don't listen. I never do. And when I'm next to him, he lets out a long, suffering sigh. "Luna, I'm serious. Just go."

"What's going on?"

"Nothing," He shrugs me off. "Just leave."


"Get out!" He jolts out of his seat, and I take a few steps back to give him some space. His eyes are dark and angry on me. I bite my lip and take another step back. Not because I'm scared of him, but because I'm scared of his feelings. If he's this angry, that means he's going through something, just like I am. Something so painful and heartbreaking that he's in an empty classroom in the middle of the day on the verge of breaking down.

Whatever can break down Jaxon Gray has got to be scary.

The difference between him and I is that I use distractions to help me. When things are starting to overwhelm me, I read and write. I remove myself from this world and enter another one. Jaxon obviously feels everything. I don't know if I can deal with more problems on top of everything I have going on.

Yet here I am. Unmoving.

"Just go," he mutters, his voice cracks but he's not crying.

"No." Even as the words escape my lips, there's a voice in the back of my mind repeating the word: run.

He narrows his eyes on me like he can't understand what's going through my head. That makes two of us, buddy. "What's wrong with you?"

Deflection has always worked best. "Me? What's wrong with you?"

He shakes his head, leans against the wall, and runs a hand over his face.

"I heard Paxton is taking Julia to the dance. Is that true?" I ask randomly. It's a lie. But it should work.

"Huh?" He blinks at me.

"Is it true?"

"I don't know." He looks completely dumbfounded. "I don't feel like talking about a dance."

"Me neither, honestly." I sniff and watch his eyes shift from hurt to confusion. "That's why I'm asking about people, not the dance."

"Why are you doing this?"

Because I'm trying to distract you. Because I know that thinking about something you can't change is useless. Because I don't know how else to help. And because I find myself wanting to help.

"I was just wondering." I hop on the desk in front of him. "I can never keep up with Paxton and all his friends."

"Tell me about it." He rolls his eyes. Bingo.

"Did you change your mind about homecoming? You told me you weren't sure if you wanted to go."

"Still don't know," He admits.

I make a face. "You should. Seeing you in that suit and tie would've made my night. Bet I could get a few laughs in too."

"Are you going?"

Not a chance, but I pretend to think for a moment. "Haven't decided."

The bell rings cutting our conversation short. Jaxon face is clear and he's finally looking at me, not through me. He's paying attention to the here and now.

"We should get to class before Corey pops his head in. This is his next class by the way." It's not, but that's enough to get Jaxon moving.

The moment we reach the door, Jaxon pauses. "How'd you do that? How'd you clear my mind?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I give him the best innocent look I can manage.


I smile up at him. "Distractions, Jaxon. They work wonders."

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