-Chapter 2: Suzie, Do You Copy?-

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Oh shut up.

I slam my hand on the alarm clock I have on my table, willing myself to go back to sleep. That's until someone knocks on my door. "What do you want?" I shout at whoever it was. It opens to reveal Max. "Did you forget to reset your clock?" She asks, panting slightly as if she ran. "What?" I ask. "We've got to get to Dustin's!" She says. I jump awake. Crap! I ran around my room, changing into better clothes as Max just watched. We've changed in front of each other before. It wasn't that weird now.

I finished changing, brushing my teeth quickly before dashing out of the house, quickly saying a goodbye to my parents before getting on my bike, Max on her board and biking to the Henderson household. We get there to see the door slightly open already, indicating the other's presence. I run to the back to put my bike there, making sure it was out of view from the front before going inside and closing the door behind Max.

Inside, we find the others already there, huddled around a radio. It crackles to life multiple times, Dustin's voice filling the room. "I repeat, this is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over." I look at the others, watching as they go over the plan once more. "He is almost home." Eleven says, opening her eyes. We all run into a room, hiding as we hear Dustin walk to his room. His mom had to go somewhere, or we told her to. I had asked my mom to tell Dustin's mom about our plan so she wouldn't be there. After Dustin enters his room, we all rush behind a wall, in position as I nod at El. She closes her eyes, using her powers to activate Dustin' toys, making them move themselves. They do and we listen as Dustin follows them into the living room, clearly confused.

Max watches from the corner before nodding at me, making me nod at Mike, who told El to stop. She opens her eyes, causing all the toys to stop moving. We then sneak out with a banner and party noise makers, watching as Max counted down from three. "3, 2, 1." She mouths before we all blew loudly.

Dustin immediately jumps to his feet, turning around with hairspray in his hand and spraying it directly into Lucas' face. The rest of us back away, panicking and covering our eyes. "Dustin! Dustin! IT'S US." I shout. At my voice, Dustin lowers his hairspray as Lucas still shouts. "IT STINGS. OWWWWW." He cries. "Oh, lord." I say, getting his hand and dragging him to the kitchen. "Be right back!" I shout. I bring him to the sink and help him find the tap as he leans forward to wash his eyes. Max appears too, standing by my side as we watch Lucas wash his eyes. "We shoulda seen it coming." I mutter to her. Lucas stands, blinking. "Better?" I ask. "Still stings." He says before blinking more and looking at Max. He narrows his eyes at her and points. "Is that a new zit?" He asks her. She opens her mouth in annoyance, but I beat her to it. "What is wrong with you?" I ask before dunking his head into the sink, drowning out his shouts.

After a while, Lucas continued washing his eyes while Max and I were watching. Max was hugged against my arm as we watched. My attention, however, is diverted when Dustin, Mike, El and Will all leave the hallway, on their way out of the house. "What's going on?" Max asks. Will looks up and smiles a little. "We're going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend." He says. Wait, what? "Girlfriend?" Lucas, Max and I say at the same time before exchanging looks. I immediately drag Max out with me as we follow the others.


When I heard the term 'Relationships mean hard work' I didn't expect Dustin's to be literal hard work. We've been hiking up this mountain for a while, trying to get to the top? I assume? "Aren't we high enough?" Lucas asks. Oh yeah! Not to mention, we are also carrying machine parts! "Cerebro works best at a hundred metres." Dustin says, continuing the trek. "You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max comments, her face scrunching at each step. "Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon." Dustin says. "Oh shit! She doesn't have electricity?" Lucas asks.

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