-Chapter 10: The Sauna Test-

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"Max! Let me out of here!" Billy shouts, banging the door. "Let me out." He repeats, slightly calmer but just as angry. We don't move, just watch as he breathes onto the glass between us and him. "You kids....you think this is funny? You kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh?" He asks before he spits onto the glass, shouting again. "You little shits think this is funny?" He asks. Max and Will make eye contact before they return their gaze onto Billy. "What is this? Open the door." Billy says before banging the door again. "Open the door! Open the door....Open the goddamn door!" He shouts, repeatedly banging on the door.

Max furrows her eyebrows, donning a concerned expression as she watches her stepbrother sink to the floor, out of sight now, screaming loudly. "We're at two-twenty." Will tells us. Max soon begins stepping forward, slowly. "Max, be careful." I tell her. I hear sobbing from inside the Sauna before Billy's small voice rings through. "It's not my fault." He says, his voice cracking slightly. Max approaches the sauna window, looking through. "It's not my fault, Max. I promise you, it's not my fault..." Billy repeats, emotion lacing his voice. "What's not your fault, Billy?" Max asks, concern written all over her face.

I walk up as well, peering past her shoulder to see Billy sitting on the floor, pleading.
"I've done things...Max. Really...B-bad things." he starts, putting his hands together. "I didn't mean to...He made me do it." He says. "Who made you do it?" Max asks. "I-I don't know, it's like a shadow...Like a giant shadow." he says, spotting me, his eyes going from me to Max. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm sorry. He made me do it, believe me, please!" Billy pleads. "Please, Max..." He says. "What did he make you do?" I ask, eyeing the guy. Billy continues sobbing and I notice Max's worried expression. She felt bad for him, and not gonna lie, I did a little bit too. It's rare seeing someone like him so vulnerable. Maybe, just maybe, The Mind Flayer isn't the one here right this moment....

"It's not my fault, okay? Max, please." Billy pleads. "Please, believe me, Y/N, it's not my fault. I tried to stop him, okay? I did." He continues. Max begins to cry, tears falling on her face as she watches Billy beg for his life. "Please believe me, Max. Please believe me!" He continues, tears staining his face as he leans down on the floor, crying. "Billy, it's gonna be okay..." Max tries, putting her hand on the glass. "Max, please!" Billy cries. "I-I believe you, Billy." Max whispers, crying silently. "We'll figure it out together, okay?" She says, latching on to the little bit of hope for her brother. "I need you to trust me. Please..." She adds, tears still flowing down her face. My heart breaks for the siblings. If this is the Mind Flayer, he's probably trying to get us both on his side because he knows how much Max and I influence each other. However, if this is Billy, it shows how really, truly scared and sorry he is.

That's when I hear it.

"Y/N, Max, get away from the door." Mike says from behind me. "What?" Max asks, still looking at Billy. I turn around and immediately notice Will touching the back of his neck. We lock eyes and I know, I know what is happening. "Get away from the door!" I shout, pulling Max to the side with me as Billy suddenly smashes the window we were just at. "Let me out, you bitch! Let me out! I'll fucking gut you!" Billy roars, trying to use some broken tile to hit someone. He looks down and yanks the rod that was holding the door out. Max screams in my arms as I watch Lucas fire a rock with his slingshot, hitting Billy on the head as he falls back. "Come on!" I shout, pulling Max with me back behind El.

The lights begin flickering and El keeps us behind her and we all move closer together. Billy gets up from the floor and begins ramming against the door. Bang. Once. Bang. twice. "He can't get out, can he?" Max asks, worried. "No way.....No. Way." Lucas replies. Billy shouts, walking to the back of the sauna. "Guys...." I say, watching him. He then begins running, screaming and rams into the door, causing the door to fly off its hinges and out, leaving an empty space for Billy to walk through.

He straightens and stands in front of El, still a fair distance away. El uses her powers to lift a barbell weight and throws it at Billy who attempts to grab it, but fails. It ends up smashing him against the wall, pinning him to it. Slowly, El pushes the weights into the wall as Billy stands on his tiptoes. Blood begins to trickle down El's nose as she does this, using effort as her face strains. But Billy is strong too. He uses his hands and pushes the weights out of the wall, throwing it at El. Luckily, she ducks in time, the barbell goes flying to the other side of the room.

Billy walks forward, grabbing El by the hair, pulling her head back before grabbing her throat. He slowly lifts her up from the floor by her neck, squeezing. "Crap, no. No!" I shout, looking around for anything. El struggles against his grip as she loses air, her face going red and her eyes rolling to the back of her head. I quickly grab the metal rod and lift it. "I'm sorry, Billy." I mutter before swinging it against his head, causing him to drop El as he falls to the floor. Mike and Max quickly grab El, pulling her back. "Shit, you okay?" I ask. She nods lightly before she stands. Max looks at me, before looking over my shoulder as her eyes widen. "Y/N! Look out!" She shouts before I turn around, only to be met with a fist.

Billy punches me in the face, sending me flying to the floor as he straddles me, putting a hand around my neck and using the other to punch my face. "You little bitch. You dyke." He mutters, punching again, and again. I can tell my face is going red because it heats up, blood rushing to my head. "You and my fucking sister. Maybe it's better if you disappeared for good." He says. My vision goes blurry as he hits me again. I taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth as one of my eyes goes darker, my face swelling. I hear Max scream my name.

Billy is suddenly pushed off me by Max who used the rod to hit him again. Billy falls backwards, growling and standing to advance again. Max helps me up and we watch as Billy stops moving, slowly lifting into the air. I look over to see El using her powers again. She moves to stand in front of Max and I as Billy wails and struggles against her powers. El screams, blood goes down both nostrils as she throws her arms to the side, throwing Billy through a wall, smashing it and creating a hole. Max holds me up as we stare, shocked at what happened.

El falls backwards and Mike catches her, holding her tightly as she begins to cry. Lucas, Will, Max and I slowly walk to the hole, watching as Billy begins running away, fleeing from us. El and Mike join us not long later as Billy disappears into the trees.

Once out of sight, Mike and El sit on the floor as El cries, relaxing a bit and recovering. I could barely see out of one eye, the other being a bit blurry too. "I need a med kit." Max tells Lucas who runs off, looking for something. Max helps lower me into a bench before sitting next to me. Will hands her a damp cloth and Max takes it, dabbing my face and wiping off the blood. I wince at the contact and she looks at me apologetic. Lucas returns, handing her things and I sigh, losing energy quickly.

"Y/N?" Max asks as she notices me wavering. I look at her, eyelids heavy as I fall back, closing my eyes, blacking out.

Word Count: 1396

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