Chapter Fifty-Five

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"Ami look!!" I pointed at a game booth with a massive otter plushy in a dinosaur hoodie," Can we play that game please!!"

Amity looked at what I was pointing at and couldn't help but let out a small giggle at the toy I wanted. I was having the greatest time of my life right now here at the celebration with my girlfriend and friends. Everyone was already separated to do their own thing, Willow and Skara went off to do some rides together, Gus and King wanted to be the kings of games and watch some of the little shows that were being shown before the contest, and Amity and I enjoyed some alone time.

We both walked up to the game booth, which was one of those balloon-popping games where if you pop five balloons and you earn a massive prize. I was really excited to try to earn the big prize and give it to Amity. I was about to pay ten dollars to play when a small group of popular girls came up to the same booth. I felt blood freeze as I saw who the ring leader of the group was.

It was Amber, the head cheerleader at Gravesfield High, and she was with her little group of lackeys. They were the same girls who beat me and chased me off into the woods with the football team. For some reason, she came up to me and Amity with that sickening sweet smile she always uses when someone tickled her fancy. 

I held onto Amity's hand tightly out of fear as Amber smiles at us," Well hello there! I don't think I've seen you two around before especially the brown-haired hottie next to you~"

'Oh my fucking god no no no no nope no get me the fuck out of here!!!!!'  I thought in disgust and fear as she places her finger under my chin in a sedative manner that did nothing but made me want to go find momma and the others and stick by them the rest of the day. She is literally asking for a death wish as Amity was glaring at her with so much hate and anger that I am really worried that she may actually kill her.

"Excuse me, but could you not do that to my sunshine? You making her very uncomfortable." Amity says with a small smile but I could tell from her eyes glowing the faintest of purple that she was ready to break this girl's neck.

Amber raises her eyebrow at her in a challenging way as she smirks," Oh really now but looks like your little girlfriend might want to go with someone who is more experienced~"


I wanted to scream that at her and to get the fuck away from her! The way she said about being more experienced made me feel disgusted as I heard the rumors back at school that she would be 'passed around' even though I don't know what that meant I could tell from the looks the boys and some of the girls at school that it wasn't something to be proud of.

She was about to wrap her arms around my free arm when Amity had enough of her bullshit and pushed her away from us with so much force that she landed by the booth's table.

"You have five fucking seconds to get away from me and Luz before I make you." Amity wrapped a protective around my waist and held me close. I could feel her magic wanting to lash out at the person who was disrespecting her and her partner but it was slowly growing when she heard my name.

"L-Luz? As in Luz Luykan Noceda..." She took a closer look at me and her eyes widened as she saw what Amity and I were wearing along with finally connecting the dots. 

Today momma thought that it would be best that I wore my really nice clothes instead of my usual purple tunic shirt, adventure trousers, and boots since if I did I would be spotted by the residents there. So with Amity's help, I was wearing a really nice dark purple button-up that has a really beautiful golden accent on it with the sleeves rolled up to my elbow, a pair of dark jeans, my black boots, and my hair was styled in a neat curly mess. 

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