Chapter Fifty-Nine

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~Conformatorium: Throne Room Four Hours Left Before Sundown~

"I will ask again child, where is the Titan's Blessing!!"



For the past two hours since he broadcasted the message over the crystal ball system, this fucker has been trying to get anything about Thesauros's blessing to my family but I even know little about it. Thesauros never explained fully what his blessing did for his children only that they were blessed. I remember him telling me in one of my dreams that my ancestors were already powerful when they arrived on his corpse and when we saw the memory of my ancestral village but as years went by they kept growing stronger and stronger to the point that the elders had to gently restrain their magic with suppressor till they learned how to control it.

I look up at the masked man, feeling the intense throbbing pain from my new broken leg, and glared at him angrily. He was sitting on his secondary throne in this damn place as he looked down at me with false pity. 

"Poor diluted child," He says with a fake grandfatherly tone, "All I want with the blessing is to help the citizens in the name of the Titan and its savior from wild magic. You must have seen it while living here human, how these disgusting wild witches are a stain on this society, and how they are nothing but-"


The Emperor flinched a tiny bit and watches in what I suspect is amazement as I slowly started to get up on my good leg. I couldn't feel anything at the moment thanks to my brain and the adrenalin helping me but even if I did. This was nothing compared to the pain and abuse I dealt with back in my old realm.

I thought back to all the people I knew that this realm's society thought of as wild witches. From the kind blacksmith Mr.Helix, the nice oracle and plant merchant that taught her about the plant life cycle here on the isles and when to pick them up for her, and all the others I've met during my time here but that most important person. The one who gave me the opportunity to have a normal life, to be loved and cherished in a family. That person who he deemed as disgusting wild witches, my momma.

"You have no right to judge people who what they believe in nor for the lifestyle they choose!! And I will not stand here listening to you, your stupid scouts, or the son of a bitch that kidnapped me from my home!! Especially when you insult my friends and my family!!"

I could see the weird bastard with the golden mask standing behind the Emperor's throne and the scouts that were on guard in the secondary throne room watched in astonishment as I glared down at the Emperor, my eyes glowing with power as my magic reacted with my emotions.

After a moment of silence, Belos let out a loud mocking laugh and pointed at me with some kind of red ominous aura around it. The aura itself was some sort of artificial magic from what I can feel in the air and it was repulsive.

"You have spunk kid, but," Belos says and uses the artificial magic to break even of my body as I screamed bloody murder," Let's hope that your so-called family will come to save you, or else you might be seeing our lord savior very soon because the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth..."

I could feel my body wanting to slip into unconsciousness in order to stop the pain but something he said was playing on repeat in my mind.

'That phrase...where have I heard that phrase before...' 

I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore as I could feel the warmth of my blood leaking out of my body from all the punishments he has dealing me with for the last twelve hours since my kidnapping.

'Momma...Amity...King...Uncle Eion...please come soon...'

~Meanwhile At The Owl House: Three Hours Left Before Sundown~

Eda's P.O.V

"Okay everyone listen up!!" I yelled as I slam my hand on the table where the blueprints of Conformatorium are," We only have one shot at saving Luz and if my hunch is right, she will be kept in dungeons before the ceremony. Lily has given us the best route to get to her with little interruptions, Minty how about you and the Hexside students?"

Amity nods and shows me the group chat of all the students from the school," They are ready to help in any way they can even the teachers are on board to help!"

I silently thank old Bumpy for helping out even though I knew that if we didn't do this right then it wouldn't be just us getting a horrible backlash, but I felt so touched that my favorite person at that dumb school cared so much about me and my family. 

"Good, you, the students, and the staff will make a huge distraction in the crowd while we sneak in. And before you say anything Amity!" I said before Amity could protest," I want you and the others safe this only mission I have that can do that for you. Luz would never forgive me if you got hurt while trying to fight off the scouts. So please listen to me and create the biggest riot you can in the crowd and leave the difficult stuff to the adults."

Amity nods begrudgingly but I knew with the look in her eyes that she wasn't going to listen to me and join the adults in saving Luz, so I told that in secret with Eion and Lily since my sister used to be her apprentice before the Blights kicked her out. Right now I just hope that we can get there in time.

I hissed silently to myself as my gem was starting to burn. I looked at it for a moment and sighed in defeat as it was starting to turn black.

'Thesauros, if you can hear my prayer, please give me more time to save my daughter. Please let me have more moments with her, my son, and our small family. Please let me have more time...'

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