Chapter Sixty-Five

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That's what I have been seeing around me for the past however it's been as I felt my body was being submerged into a deep waxy inky sea.

I tried countless times to call out for my momma, my little brother, Amity, and friends but my voice wouldn't work. All that did was relaxes small bubbles of air towards the unseen surface.

When I thought I was going to be trapped here forever, something above me caught my attention.

It was very faint, like it was thousands of miles away from me but it was still there.

It was a tiny ball of light that was colored lilac, just like...

Without a second thought, I swam up towards the light with all my might. I could feel the inky tendrils of the water try to pull me back but I fought them off as I only had one thought in my mind.

'Amity...gotta get to my Amity!!!'

With each stroke I made toward the lilac light, everything around me started to become so much brighter and colorful. Balls of multicolor light started surrounding me and helped fight off the dark tendrils as I was just inches away from the beautiful and warm light.

'Almost there!!!'

And just as my fingers brushed up against the light, the world around me was enveloped in a blinding white light.

{Time Skip: Four Months Later}

I woke up with start and bolted up in bed with my hand out reaching for the lilac light, but instead I was met with galaxy painted walls of my room and Sir Otterton in my arms. Though something felt off the moment my brain finally started waking up.

As I look around my room, it became more and more apparent what felt off.

I couldn't see anything out of my right eye...

I gently raised my hand to my face, trying to see if there was something on it that was covering my vision but I felt nothing but only to feel rough jagged skin.

I kicked off my dinosaur covers and quickly got off my bed, stumbling a bit as my legs gave out a tiny bit before I regained my balance.

Going over to my full body mirror, my jaw dropped at the person that was looking back at me.

I went to touch my ears, hair, my body, and right eye.

"W...what the hell happened..."

Instead of my usual dark short curly hair, it was now pure white with a few specks of bardic red.

My left eye was the same reddish-brown but my right was completely dulled without the similar shine as is twin, but that's not what surpised me the most about my face. I had a huge starburst scar the covered half my face and a bit of my neck.

Though I think what took the cake in weird transformation were my slightly pointed ears.

Unlike normal witch that have a sharp point to theirs, the point of my ear was round and when I touched them I couldn't help but giggle when they would flick a tiny bit.

I was in a pair of space themed boxers as I examined myself in the mirror. My body felt stronger but also fairly weak from what I guess was being in bed for however long as well as I had more scars decorating.

'My child! You're awake!!'

I let out a small yelp and quickly looked around for the person who said that but I found that I was the only one in my room.

'W-wait, if there is no one in my room that would mean...' My mind immediately connected the dots to the mysterious voice as it chuckled playfully.

'Yes my child, it's me Thesaurus.' He clarified as I kept inspecting my body,' I see that you are amazing with your transformation.'

'Transformation? But what happened? All I can remember was playing my violin to stop Phillp and then...'

I rub my forehead softly as my questions kept popping up,' And how are we talking right now? You only in my dreams when it's really important.'

Thesaurus sighed softly and took a moment to gather their thoughts.

'When we used our combined magic for the first time, it seems to unlocked the rest of your magic as well your full hybrid appearance. Remember your father was a full-blooded witch but because of the full bodied seal that your ancestors placed on the next generation, he was able to present the natural signs of a witch.

Further more, our combine magic has not only awakened your full magical abilities. It also overloaded them which took a significant amount of time for it to heal all the way without any lasting internal damages. And you've already seen the physical reminders of what happened.'

I could hear the sadness in his voice as I touched my scarred body.

'What about everybody else? Momma? King? Amity? And my uncle and aunty?"

He than explained that during four month nap, they have been busy with helping the people of Isles repairs and medical needs. Uncle Eion was tasked with overseeing all of the witches and demons who were hurt the worse during the attack and making sure they get the need help.

Aunty Lily took the reigns of being the leader of the Isles as well as abolishing the use of sigils. The covens will still be a thing but everyone was now be  allowed to join which ever one they wanted and new leaders were appointed in each of them.

Momma and King were also helping aunty by getting rid of all of the corrupted coven heads and witches who aided Phillp. Needless to say, Momma was having the time of her life when it comes to interrogating her victims.

'What about Amity?'

Thesaurus just chuckles softly and before he could answer me, the door to my room opened to reveal Amity coming in with a large bowl of soapy water and rags.

But the moment she saw I was up and about, she dropped the items in her arms and barreled into me, clinging on to me for dear as she cried tears of joy and relief.

"You're awake!!! Oh thank titan, we were all so worried when we saw the condition you were in after the petrification ceremony. Bo, Viney and my sister told us you barely survived and lost so much b-blood!"

I gently held her close to me and buried my face into her neck softly as I missed her warmth.

"I'm sorry Ami, I promise I won't do anything that dangerous again unless it's the last resort."

"You better Noceda-Clawthorne! Or else I'm going to kick your ass!" She held me tightly as her voice quivered a bit," You have no idea how scared I was when I saw all that blood..."

I gently kiss your lips softly and gave her a soft smile," But I'm okay now Ami. Sure I may be half blind and covered in even more scars but I'm alive and well thanks to you and everyone."

I gave her a big childish grin that made her laugh happily. This moment was absolutely perfect or it was until my stomach made itself know as it growled loudly.

My entire face turned cherry red as Amity laughs more.

"I guess someone is hungry. I think we still have some of tentacle and griffin casserole Eda made last night."

My mouth began to water at the thought of my momma cooking and instantly ran out of my room towards the kitchen.



{Double chapter day!!! Y'all and just before I head into work too even though I am still practically dead from my closing shift last night xD

I hope you all have a great day and you enjoy these chapter till next time!!! (^w^)/}

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